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"Their beautiful" mother smiles looking down at Aenar and Aerion "I'm so glad your alive, all five of you"

"Mother" I say, she looks my way "I like it here, not being royalty...can we not find a way home? I know it sounds selfish but I don't want to leave—I'm more than happy letting the boys know of their heritage but"

Mother takes my hand "I would love nothing more" looking at Jaehaera who is sleeping in the bed "worrying about your lives takes a lot out of me, especially concerning Rhaenyra and her bastards" I hug my mother as she hugs me back "now tell me of this Felix?"

"When I'm with him, mother" smiling "I feel just as I feel with Aemond...there are no words to explain how I feel"

"If he is fine" she tells me "with our family's queer customs, I'm glad to call him my new son"

~Felix's POV~

"My mother" Aemond tells me as we watch Aelin outside with Jaehaera, the twins, Chelsea, Renata, Corin and Jane "will love you, how you feel for Aelin will warm her heart" I can't believe my mates mother is here, I can't believe my mate is here at all with our children.

"Aemond?" Santiago asks "how does it feel not being a prince?"

"A fucking relief" he tell us, shaking his head "even though I was a second son, I had responsibilities and duties that I can do very much without—the only worry I have is if Aenar or Aerion become like my older brother Aegon"

"What was he like?" Afton asks

"A drunk" he says "loved women, got his act together when he was crowned king...barely"

"What was your sister Helaena like?" Alec asks

"Sweet, hated bloodshed" Aemond tells us "she had visions of the future, dragons dreams as we called them...loved insects"

"How did she die?" I ask "if you don't mind me asking?"

"Jumped out of a tower to her death" he tells us "after Jaehaera's twin Jaehaerys was beheaded before her, the man who Aelin killed. That was our Uncle Daemon, after he sent two assassins named Blood and Cheese" we snort at that.

"Those were their names?" Demetri asks

Aemond nods his head "horrible men. Before my mother—who was there—she told me how Cheese told her to choose which son to die, if she didn't choose soon Blood would have raped Jaehaera before them" What?! What?! Eight year old Jaehaera!

"What?" My voice dangerously low as a growl bubbles up, my eyes black with anger. Aemond looks at me unaffected "he threatened what?"

"Helaena chose her eldest to be saved, Jaehaerys since she knew him and she didn't really know Maegor who was three" He says "I wasn't there but I should have been it Aegon hadn't sent me away for a useless battle—instead of killing Maegor, they chopped off Jaehaerys's head"

"My god" Afton exclaims "that's horrible—I thought people from this words were terrible but making a mother choose?"

"Helaena offered herself up" Aemond shakes his head "but...I wish I could get my hands on Daemon"

"He's your uncle?" I ask, he nods his head "what if you could exact revenge?"

"Aelin killed him" Aemond crossed his arms

"She burned him" Santiago tells him "but he is alive...on the dungeons"

Aemond blinks his one eye at us "Take me to him" we do, it takes about a couple minutes but when we are in the dungeons we see Daemon look up at us from his spot sitting down.

"Dear nephew" Daemon snarkily says "finally come to visit me"

"Does Aelin or my mother know?" Aemond asks

"Your cunt of a mother is here?" He chuckles

"Your going to pay for my family" Aemond promised "I swear upon the old gods and new that your final moments upon this earth shall be none but pure agony"

"And I'll help" growling, the man looks between us and tries to put on a brave face but we hear his heart rapidly beat.

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