CHAPTER 1 - A First Encounter

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YOU just laid on your bed inside of your bedroom, admiring the quiet— Tsukasa hasn't made it home yet since he said he were doing something but never specified what it were.

Honestly, the thought terrified you; you know you're an overthinker, but you couldn't help but wonder why Tsukasa bothered to spare you of the details on what he had planned.

Well... Maybe it's not the most surprising thing; he tends to forget how much of an overthinker you can be. Which you can't blame him, since you, yourself, also have a horrendous memory; it'd be pointless and stupid to make fun of him for something you also tend to struggle with.

Letting out a heavy sigh, you flinched and maybe even jumped a little hearing the front door open. You heard loud chattering, along with Tsukasa's voice. It terrified you, knowing there was a potential chance Tsukasa brought people over but at least it weren't entirely random people you didn't know of.

As you felt your nerves relax, you hear Tsukasa call out your and Saki's names. "[Y/N]!!!! Saki!!!! I'm home!!" Which him yelling Saki's name made you remember she told you to tell Tsukasa she went somewhere with her friends.

The thought of having to step out of your room bothered you, but you didn't want to yell back, so you just slowly walked to where Tsukasa was and was greeted by more people than Tsukasa... as you expected.

You kind of stood there silently before Tsukasa asked you. "Where's Saki?" "U-Uhm, she's with her friends... She'll back later t-this evening around 18:00." Tsukasa smiled brightly as he dramatically posed.

"Thank you dear sister!" A girl with dull-greyish green hair appeared annoyed. "You're clearly embarrassing her." Tsukasa turned around, offended by her remark. "H-Hey! No I am not!"

You stood there awkwardly, face warming up with nervousness. "Tsukasa..." Tsukasa quickly turns around. "Yes, dear sister?" "N-Next time, let me k-know in advance before you bring people over..."

Tsukasa immediately froze. "My deepest apologies! Please forgive a star such as myself." He said as he dramatically posed once more. You kind of stayed quiet.

"Okay... You're forgiven, I guess." You kind of chuckle to yourself before Tsukasa gives an offended reaction. "'I guess'? Why are you so unsure?!"

The girl with dull-greyish green hair spoke again. "Don't forgive him." Tsukasa just got more offended. "O-Oh my— You know what, we'll just go to my room to get started and pretend none of this happened."

A tall male with purple hair and a couple teal streaks chuckled as a much shorter girl with pink hair began running around to try and find Tsukasa's room on her own. "E-Emu!!" Tsukasa chased after her, you apparently discovering her name was 'Emu'.

You just stared in awkward silence. You wanted to go back to your room but just waited for them to return. As you stood there, the male with purple and tealish hair spoke to you.

"You're [Y/N], right?" You immediately look over to him, but not directly at his face. God, his height made him appear much more intimidating than he may be. He may as well be six foot tall.

You just awkwardly nodded, you kind of didn't want to talk to anybody at the moment. "You seem familiar though." He pointed out, you quietly mumble, but it was loud enough to catch what you said.

"I c-could say the same to you. I- I think I've seen you with Tsukasa b-before?" The male just chuckled. "Fufufu... Forgive me, but I didn't give you my name, did I?" You shake your head.

"I'm Rui Kamishiro." You suddenly pause, feeling like you heard that name. "Wait, aren't... we in the same class?" Rui chuckled some more.

"Yes, I was waiting for you to point it out." Rui gave a smile towards you as the both of you, including the other girl with the dull-greyish green hair, turn to where you hear Tsukasa going off and walking back with Emu.

"A-Ah... Jesus Christ, you're like a wild animal Emu!" Tsukasa groaned in frustration. Emu just giggles. "Anyway sister, me and my dearest friends are going to my room now!" Tsukasa said, then speaking again but in a much more stern voice. "And you better follow me!!"

It was more clear than day that he were referencing to Emu's sudden action of running away. You just nodded in an awkward manner as you began to sprint-walk back to your room.

You shut your bedroom door behind you semi-aggressively and let out a sigh. "This is going to be a long evening..." You groaned as you went over to your bed and just sat down; that sitting down soon turned into you laying down.

Your hand moved to your nightstand next to your bed and reached for your phone. As you laid on your side, you begin to go onto YouTube and just watched something to pass the time.


866 words.

- Sorry if this were OOC, made you cringe, or just generally sucked. I have no writing skills honestly

Coincidental Feelings // Kamishiro Rui x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now