CHAPTER 14 - Avoiding

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BEFORE you knew it, it was Monday again. You felt the usual agony of every Monday morning on your way to school.

As you and Tsukasa walked into the building, you notice Nene and Rui hanging out. You were gonna approach them on your own, but Tsukasa decided to drag you there with him since he also wanted to say hi.

Once you regained your composure from being dragged by Tsukasa, you look up and greet Nene and Rui.

"Hello [Y/N]." Nene greets you back casually. Tsukasa and Nene start up a conversation and you realize Rui hasn't said anything to you.

You kind of had a feeling he was nervous, well, because he appeared that way; Rui was kind of sweating in his palms a little, his hands were kind of trembling as he fidgeted with them a bit, and he had this sort of look on his face.

All of these signs were like red flags and signals that something was up; naturally, you asked him a question. "Rui... Are you okay?" You asked, your voice sounding concerned and a little inaudible.

Suddenly, you notice Tsukasa and Nene stop their conversation and look at him. Rui just nods a bit nervously, soon putting a hand behind his head and giving an anxious smile. "Mhm! I'm fine. Fufufu..."

Rui was so desperately trying to hide his nervousness. You didn't believe it when he said he were fine, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable by pushing him further and further to be honest.

   "Alright..." You say after sighing softly. Nene stared more and more at him, appearing obviously confused but you didn't know why.

The day started to gradually go by faster and then it was lunch time again. Lunch was just... normal, you guess; everybody hanging out on the rooftop and Emu joined y'all, then soon left to avoid being caught.

However, Rui would kind of choose to... ignore you or make up excuses to avoid a conversation with you. You felt confused by his actions, and began to overthink if you've done something to make him upset.

You could tell Nene was really confused too. She kept looking at Rui when he would do those things to you... Even at times it looked like she'd get a little upset too.

This ended up going on for the rest of the week too. Rui would ignore your messages as well and leave you on read 65% of the time if he got to it.

Then it went on for the rest of next week too. You kept asking and asking him desperately whether it were in person or over text did you do something to make him upset and wouldn't reply a lot of times. If he did, it'd just be a short answer of 'no' and would appear to make an excuse to leave...

The rest of the Wonderlands × Showtime members seemed to notice this too; mainly Nene and she could see how upset you were when he would push you away.

Even one day, maybe two weeks prior, you ended up accidentally overhearing a conversation between them talking about it. You remember it all quite vividly.

[As you exit your classroom door, you overhear slight yelling. The voice sounded too familiar... Almost like... Nene's?]

["Aren't you able to see how upset it makes her when you just shove her away like she's nothing?!" Nene said, appearing frustrated. A sigh that appeared familiar followed.]

["Of course I can see that, but I just..." A familiar voice spoke... It was definitely Rui. You immediately knew as well that they were referencing you.]

["Then why don't you just talk to her? Do you not care that it bothers her...?" Nene says, sounding upset. Rui shakes his head. "I can't. I promise you, I care that it bothers her. It hurts me to do it, but..."]

[Nene glares at him. "But what?" She said, giving a bit of attitude. "She doesn't deserve me." Rui said sounding quite mumbled and you didn't hear it.]

[You suddenly decided there to stop listening, thinking it'd be good to. So, you began to slowly walk away and question everything you heard.]

Upon hearing that conversation, it only made you more worried. You kind of wished you still listened, but you didn't want to listen to anymore of it even if you already listened to some of it.

Suddenly, Rui's strange behavior around you seems to make news to Tsukasa by witnessing a semi-argument between Nene and Rui about it.

Tsukasa eventually asked you about it, wondering if you did something, but you just told him you don't know and when you'd try to ask Rui you're pushed away the second you approach him.

Emu ended up catching onto Rui's behavior too. Although to you, it seemed like she knew what it was. You wondered what it was and how she knew.

The ignoring and ghosting goes on for another week until after about three weeks, Rui starts to talk to you again that week's Monday. He apologized for all the ignoring but refused to tell you any reason why he did it.

It made you feel relieved he no longer decided to ignore you, but he was so nervous and awkward around you. You couldn't pick up on the reason why.

You kept repeatedly asking Rui whether it was something you did, but he keeps saying no and such. You didn't know whether to believe it or not, but you just let it go.


1,122 Words.

A/N: Sorry that this is released a LOT later and it's shorter than I anticipated. I kind of ended up having terrible cramps, putting me in horrible, agonizing pain and making me unmotivated to write. I kind of forced myself to write this chapter just because I don't want to not post for one day. I know it may not be that bad, but I just have this paranoia for some reason that if I don't, something will happen? I mean, on the bright side I guess; as I kept writing this, I got more motivated to write actually. But on top of the horrible agonizing pain I've been in, I also had a dental appointment today. I got fillings, which isn't my first time and they didn't hurt at all, but the numbness is still there as I'm typing this and it's so uncomfortable. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3. This book will actually be ending quite soon, but do not worry (if you liked this or my writing); I will write more Project SEKAI related fanfiction whether it's reader insert or not! I may write a Tsukasa x Reader book next, but it depends. Anyway, bye bye!! :D

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