CHAPTER 4 - A Date Planned

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YOU and Tsukasa arrived home, Saki soon running to come greet the both of you. "[N/N]! Onii-chan!!!" She hugs Tsukasa and then you.

"Saki!" Tsukasa yells a bit. "Yes?" "Did I ever once give you a dad speech before?!" Saki looks confused and starts giggling.

"What's this about?" Saki tilts her head. You say something before Tsukasa could. "Didn't Tsukasa once give a dad speech because you called your friends your 'girlfriends'?"

Saki has an expression like she remembered it. "Oh yeah! He did~!" Tsukasa puts his hands on his hips. "I'm just looking out for you! You're my little sister!"

"You gave me a similar speech despite me being older than you.." You flick his forehead a little, trying not to hurt him too much. "W-Well! Uh..." Saki starts giggling.

"Why did he give you that speech anyway?" Saki asked as she held a confused expression. "I got Rui's phone number."

"Ohh! Hehe, not gonna lie, I do find that a little funny." Saki says, giggling a little more. "What's so funny about that?!" Tsukasa ask, yelling a little.

"Nothing~ Also don't worry, [N/N] will be fine." Tsukasa crosses his arms as Saki says that. "I-I'm not worried about her safety! I know she'll be fine! Well, maybe I am a little, but still!"

You and Saki just continue to laugh. "I-It's not funny!" Tsukasa shouts. You put the piece of paper in your uniform pocket. "It is at least a little bit... Anyway, I'm going to my room."

Tsukasa sighs. "A-Alright." Saki continues to giggle as you walk off. "You're such a dad Onii-chan!" Tsukasa shakes his head. "Am not!"

You laugh a little more to yourself as you shut your bedroom door behind you. You pull the piece of paper out of your uniform pocket and stare at it. "Huh..."

Placing it on your nightstand, you take off your shoes and soon put on something more casual. You then pull out your phone and grab the piece of paper, and input the number into the message system and type out a message;

"Hey it's [Y/N] I guess- Sorry if this message was sent later than expected, Tsukasa ended up giving me a whole dad speech or something. Not the most surprised given he's done it to Saki before but oh my god.. Anyway, uh yeah. Send me a message back when you can, I suppose"

You didn't know whether or not to expect a message soon after you sent that, but around five minutes later, he sent you a message back. You felt a little surprised, thinking he probably would've been doing something.

Opening up the message, you began to read it outloud quietly to yourself in a confused tone. "'Who's '[Y/N]'? I don't recall giving anyone my phone number... :('"

You couldn't help but accidentally blurt out something in frustration. "Are you fucking kidding me...?"

You type something back to the person, wondering if it was really Rui now.

Are you serious right now?

Haha, no. Don't worry, I know it's you :3

Oh my god, don't ever scare me like that again

Sorry. :'(

You just sigh heavily, and change the contact name for whenever you need it. You just change it to his name since you felt clueless on what to make it.

It's okay, but didn't you ask at school that you wanted to hang out or something?

Ooh yeah, I did. I didn't mean it today, but rather over the weekend. ^^

Which day of the weekend exactly?

Doesn't matter, I'm not busy usually :3

Is Saturday fine?

Should be, yes. I don't think the time of day matters, but don't request it to be late at night -.-

Now why the hell would I do that... Wouldn't it be weird to have a date at 3 o'clock in the morning??

Point taken, but I was kidding. It is kind of strange o-o

'Kind of'?

No, it seriously is.

No shit... Anyway, uh.. Does around 15:30 work?

It should, yes.

Okayy, but where?

It doesn't matter. You can choose :3

I'm asking you because I don't know...



Okay then, should we go to a park then or something? :D

Interesting choice but sure

Is that meant to be negative or positive? .-.

Positive..? Also is that morse code-

No, no- It's an emoticon ;(

Oh wait yeah I can see it now.

I'm actually so stupid, I'm sorry

You're not stupid, don't call yourself that. And it's fine :3

I mean, if you say so then...

Sorry to cut this conversation short, but I remembered I had to do something.

Nah you're fine. ^^

Thank you :3. I'll see you tomorrow at school

Your welcome, and see you too :)


I was about to correct you ;-;

Too bad <3

Anyway, see ya :D

Byee :3

Letting out a sigh, you put your phone on the nightstand next to your bed. You just laid there for a few minutes, kind of talking to yourself.

"Genuinely though, why am I kind of scared?" You say as you bite your nails. "I mean, maybe because I've never really went on a date with someone whether it were platonic or romantic."

Another sigh escapes your lips as you pick up your phone again, staring at the time on your lock screen and then you unlock it and see your home screen. You decide to just watch something for a little bit to cure your boredom.


1,007 Words

A/N: Ever since I made that Tsukasa dad speech joke, that joke will *probably* never die until the end of this book /j. I mean, it do be kinda true tho.

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