CHAPTER 5 - A Spark

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   IT was the next day at school. Today was a Wednesday and which it didn't excite you very much. At times, Wednesdays can be just like Mondays to you.

   Although Mondays obviously had a tendency to be worse, Wednesday can near its level of horrible. You never really understood why it felt like that though. Maybe it were because it's the middle of the week and you want it to be over already.

   Not to mention, you kind of didn't get much sleep last night — Not that you usually get a lot of sleep anyway. You'd be lucky if you got six hours of sleep honestly.

   Last night was just a headache; so much was on your mind to the point sleep was out of reach. Maybe you got around two hours of sleep, but no more than two.

   The main thing that were on your mind was Rui. He couldn't leave your head no matter how much you tried to shove him away.

   Something was strange about him, but not necessarily in a negative way, you suppose. I mean, you weren't that surprised he was somewhat strange; he was friends with Tsukasa.

   Suddenly you felt a nudge on your left shoulder, taking you away from your thoughts. "W-What the?" You look over to your left and see Tsukasa. "Were you ignoring me?"

You sigh heavily. "No, I'm tired and I have a lot on my mind. Sorry if it appeared that way, so what were you saying?" Tsukasa tilts his head and then puts his hands on his hips, smiling brightly. "We are at school now!"

When Tsukasa said that, you look in front of you. "Oh, yeah we are." You yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. "How many hours did you even sleep?!" Tsukasa asks, shouting.

"Eh... I don't know." You shut your eyes for a second and then Tsukasa grabs your shoulders and shakes you. "Don't fall asleep now!!"

"I- I wasn't!" You yelled back a little, blushing a little in embarrassment. "You're like Rui a lot times; you do not get much sleep..." Tsukasa groans as he points that out.

Tsukasa suddenly sees Rui in the distance. "Oh, and speak of the Devil." You add before closing your eyes again. Tsukasa shakes you once more. "Stop falling asleep! It's not good to sleep while standing up!"

You give Tsukasa a little push. "I'm not falling asleep... I'm just tired and I'm resting my eyes." You add, not realizing Rui was coming over to you and Tsukasa.

Rui managed to realize the situation from afar due to Tsukasa's yelling. Tsukasa doesn't seem to notice Rui coming over either.

"Resting your eyes is gonna turn into you falling asleep!" Tsukasa yelled. You hear a sudden chuckle and realize it's Rui. "Rui! Please help me with [Y/N]. She keeps falling asleep!" Tsukasa complained, side-eyeing you for a second and then looks back at Rui.

"For the last time, I'm resting my eyes." You rub your left eye a little as you said that. "Fufu, well Tsukasa-kun had a point though when he said you could fall asleep by doing so."

"Thank you!" Tsukasa yelled a little, crossing his arms but a bit relieved Rui was on his side. "Eh. It's fine." You mumble quietly.

"Just how much did you sleep [N/N]?" Rui asked, chuckling a bit. Since you were half asleep, it kind of took you a moment to realize he called you by a nickname.

You lower your head, hiding your flustered face. "A-Approximately two hours... I think I fell asleep around 4 in morning?" Tsukasa's eyes widen. "4 in the morning?!" He yelled.

Nodding your head, Tsukasa continues to shout. "Jesus Christ, you really are like Rui! As your younger brother, I hear by demand you need to straighten up your sleep schedule!" He crosses his arms.

Rui tilts his head. "Younger brother?" He mumbles. Tsukasa looks at Rui. "Yeah, [Y/N]'s my older twin sister! Wait have I never told you that?!" Rui chuckles.

"Fufu... I suppose not." Tsukasa shakes his head. "Anyway, still; my point stands! You must fix your sleep schedule [Y/N]!"

"It's fine..." You mumble, appearing more and more sleepy as each minute passes. "No it's not!!" Tsukasa shouts.

Rui chuckles a little more as Nene begins to approach the three of you. "Why is there so much yelling over here?" She tilts her head in curiosity.

"[Y/N] won't listen to me." Tsukasa pouts sadly and Nene just looked confused and perhaps a bit annoyed. "About what?"

"She doesn't have a good sleep schedule and she refuses to fix it!" Nene just stares at him, and then at you. You were starting to doze off while standing up. "She's asleep."

"What?!" Tsukasa turns around to see you with your eyes closed standing up, then he begins to shake you violently again. "Wake up!!" He shouts.

Nene covers her ears. "So loud..." Rui looks at Nene. "I get [N/N] is tired, but her sleeping while she's standing up is concerning." She looks up at him.

"[N/N]?" Nene repeated, kind of mumbling. "Hm?" "You met her like two days ago and you're already giving her a nickname?" Rui nervously chuckles.

"Is there a problem with it?" Rui asks as Nene stares at him. "Obviously not, but still. You're not crushing on her, are you?" Nene mumbles quietly so Tsukasa doesn't hear.

Rui blushes lightly. "Fufufu, of course not. That's a bold assumption to make, Nene." Nene glares at him. "Whatever you say." Her tone made it sound like she didn't believe him. She looked away.

"What are you two whispering about?!" Tsukasa shouts after waking you up. Nene glares at Rui again and then looks at Tsukasa. "Nothing..." She says.

"Are you sure it's 'nothing'?! You could be talking behind my back when I'm busy making sure my sister's awake!" Tsukasa says, crossing his arms. Nene shakes her head. "For the love of God Tsukasa, I'm sure... Rui's just being his usual weird self."

Rui nervously chuckles. "I'll take that as a compliment?" He mutters. You look up at him, noticing his flustered face. You look back down.

Suddenly your mind goes blank. "Why was his laugh kind of cute?" You thought. Then you realize what you thought. "Wait, what? What am I thinking?" You mumbled, thinking outloud. Your face covered in very light blush.

"What are you thinking about, [Y/N]?" Tsukasa asked since he heard your mumbling. "N-Nothing! I'm half asleep and thinking about stupid things. Let's just go to class since the bell's going to ring soon." You object to Tsukasa's question, soon knocking that flustered look off your face.

"You kind of just admitted to lying [Y/N]." Nene points out. You look at her. "H-Huh?" "You said you were thinking of nothing and then you said you're thinking of stupid things."

You freeze in place. "Oh." Your face begins to grow heated and you blush heavily, feeling embarrassed. "W-Well it doesn't matter what I'm thinking about. Just ignore it..."

Nene tilts her head, making you feel like she was catching onto what you were thinking about, but didn't object.

You suddenly began to run off to class. "..Well, uh– Bye now!" You wave to them as you did. "[Y/N]!" Tsukasa shouts.

Nene looks down. "I suppose being a weirdo runs in your family, Tsukasa." Tsukasa looks at Nene. "What?!"


1,260 Words

A/N: This chapter is a little longer than anticipated but yeah :3

Coincidental Feelings // Kamishiro Rui x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now