Chapter Twenty Two. Izuku's POV

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Gripping my stomach in pain, Kacchan started carrying me somewhere.

"Kacchan, it hurts" I whimpered.

"I know it does Deku, its okay."

I had no idea where he was taking me, I put my head on his chest and tried to follow his breathing, but I was hyperventilating.

"Deku, breathe in and out, please breathe Deku, in, then out. In, then out" He told me.

I calmed my breathing down, clutching my head with one hand and my stomach with the other.

"Kacchan it really hurts."

"We're nearly at the school entrance, I can hear the ambulance" He told me, stroking my hair.

"Don't fall asleep Midoriya" Recovery girl told me from my side "We don't know what might happen if you do, so try and stay awake okay?"


I don't remember reaching the gates, or getting loaded into the ambulance, all I remember is waking up in a hospital bed, with Kacchan beside me, telling me to not get up.

"But I don't feel good Kacchan..."

"I know, I'll get you some water."

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