Chapter 23 - saved

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A/N: finely It's here, the last and final chapter of book 1.

I hope you are excited and settle down... enjoy

Asteria took a deep breathe looking upon everyone's faces, "okey so.. is everyone ready to make a decision?" She looked around the room at everyone nodding.

Caelus stepped toward, "Everyone that vote for taking some energy from Blitzø and saving Stolas", Asteria raised her hand in agreement along side with Millie and moxie.

He nodded while taking his wife's hand, "alright then, we will require the room for ourself to do the procedure"

Millie and moxie nodded and walked out with concerned faces.

It was most likely that Blitzø would be completely dead after the procedure, but it all depends on how well Caelus and Asteria delivers.

Caelus rested his slim hand in the door closing it, they were about to begin.

"Are you ready dear?" Caelus stood next to Asteria infront of Stolas and Blitzø's bodies.

She nodded at him as she began to power up, an aura of dark burgundy started to form around her.

Her skin that once was light colored turned darker with a glowing with outline around it, and her pupils faded into her eyes. She looked so devilish, but that's what her demon form was supposed to looked like. Demonic and powerful.

Caelus kept his form but as the aura appeared around Asteria it appeared around him too.

Their powered energy began to swirl around Stolas and Blitzø, and their bodies started to levitate slightly above their beds.

Blitzø's red glowing eyes shut wide open as his energy left his body.

Slowly Asteria and Caelus tapped him for energy and moved it over to Stolas.

Both their bodies  were shaking from the energy and powers messing with them, "we have to stop soon!" Caelus yelled over to Asteria who seemed out of control.

"No! Not yet!" She yelled back in a demonic tone, Caelus turned his head quickly looking right at her. "We are going to absolutely destroy them!"

Asteria closed her eyes and grunted, they were so close to success.

They bodies started shaking like a seizure, they were almost at an end.

"We need to stop now! They have had enough!" Caelus yelled as he pulled back.

Asteria stood still for a few seconds before fainting onto the ground.

"Asteria!" He quickly sat next to her body on the floor while lifting her light head up.

He exhaled in relief with her body being nothing dangerous but tired.

Slowly he sat her up on a chair standing next to the beds and glanced over at Blitzø and Stolas bodies.

He slowly walked over to check for any sign of life, the bodies still looked dead but he could sense something was alive.

He stroked his slim hand across Stolas body to feel any heart beat, and there it was dunk-dunk dunk- dunk-dunk.

He exhaled in relief that Stolas was alive and they had managed to save him.

Now that Stolas was alive it was only a question how Blitzø was doing, Caelus turned over to Blitzø putting his head right above his mouth.

And caught by surprise he could hear slight breathing coming from Blitzø's mouth.

Miraculously they had managed to somehow save them both.

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