Chapter 22 - the choices

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A/N: So chapter was released a little after scheduled in sorry for that, but here is the one you have been waiting for. Not the last chapter but we're getting close....

5 days after the accident..

"Is this all we can and will do?" Paimon sighed looking at everyone's grieving faces.

Another Goetia broke the silence, "He is in the hospital, there is not much more we can do-"

"It has been days!" Asteria slammed her fist to the table upset, "Stolas is...." She stopped chocking on the words. "He is....." she couldn't say it.

"He is, what?" Paimon questioned in a concerned tone. He stood up from the table and walked to Asteria.

Looking down at her, "do I have to repeat myself?". He started to sound more angry and inpatient.

She didn't say a word, she wanted too but it was too hard. She couldn't say it. Would she just tell everyone at the council that there was no hope. Tell Paimon right in the face that Stolas was dead.

The silence from Asteria provoked Paimon even more. He have had enough, he didn't care for what the council thought right now.

He started tighten his fist that also made a glowing aura around Asterias throat. Choking her

The other Goetias at the council grew concerned and all turned heads at Paimon. Was he gone complete mad?

"Stop. Now!" Caelus immediately stood up between his wife and Paimon and grabbed his hand hardly.

Paimon groaned slightly, "Agh, what are you doing?-". He stopped once he looked right at Caelus. His whole expression was clear, he would not hesitate to destroy him if he laid another hand on Asteria.

"I dare you to do that again." Caelus spoke clearly not letting go of Paimons hand.

Paimon laughed, "OH, I see so you think of yourself as more than just a grand Duke?"

Caelus tightened his grip, "No your highness" he said ironically. "But I am more powerful than you think, so I advice you to step back" he said with a smile. But not like a kind smile.

He un tightened the grip and placed his hand around his wife's torso, "but excuse us, we actually have a visit to make" he looked over at the council that sat down as there was no more tension between Paimon and Caelus.

"Your highness" he bowed and glanced over at Paimon before the couple made their way out of the room.

Asteria stopped after they had exited the room, "You know I could have handled that myself" she said stubbornly.

Caelus sighed and held her hands up, they were shaking. "Are you sure?" he asked her. She instantly pulled her hands back.

"We must hurry to the hospital now" she started to walk fast towards the doors. Caelus hurried after her.

"Asteria" he called after her, "I know you have something on your mind, tell me" he insisted.

She shook her head and kept walking, Caelus grabbed her hand and turned her face to his. "Please?"

Asteria took a deep breathe before she spoke up, "Blitz he...... he told us right before his body failed that..." she stopped.

"That?" Caelus asked, she exhaled deeply and continued. "That we had to sacrifice him to save Stolas.."

"Is that even possible?" She asked him, Caelus stood silent for a few seconds before it occurred to him.

"Y-yes it might be" he quickly opened a portal to the sloth ring where the hospital was. "Contact the other imps" he took Asterias hand.

"You mean Millie and Moxie?" She corrected him, "yes them, they need to be there to also make a choice"

A fEw mOmenTs LaTeer

"Hon why are we here...?" Millie asked her husband concerned.

"I-I don't know Millie. But it's about Blitz" they were walking into the hospital on their way to the reception.

"I hope he is.... alive" Millie dropped her tone.

"Excuse me? Where are you two going?" A nurse stopped them in reception.

"We are here to see our boss and his highness" moxie spoke up to them.

The receptionist laughed, "hah you two? Are going to see the prince and some other imp-"

"YEA! We are, the imps name is Blitz and he is our boss and the princes boyfriend." Millie interrupted.

"Sureee" the receptionist looked down at their desk ignoring Millie and moxie.

They both looked at each other before moxie snapped, "oh come on! It's urgent, just please let us in ma'am"

"Mmmmm no" she laughed. "WHAT" moxie yelled, which was unusual for his behavior.

Moxie scoffed, "We are actually-"

"Excuse me? These imps are supposed to be let inside this hospital." Asteria interrupted them.

"Oh I'm sorry duchess Asteria" the receptionist bowed in apology.

"You are forgiven..." she lied, "anyways Millie, Moxie come with me please" she nodded her head towards the rooms.

Millie and Moxie held hands as they followed Asteria to Stolas and Blitzø's room.

Asteria and Caelus insisted that they had to be in the same hospital room, that's what they would have wanted as... whatever their relationship had come to.

They walked into a rose colored room, full of flowers and historial machines.

Stolas and Blitzø was in two separate beds, and both of them had their injuries taken care of and bandaged.

The thing that caught them most off guard was that the machines that was connected to their bodies showed no sign of life.

"But if... they are dead." Millie couldn't help it but cried, "why are they still here?"

Caelus looked down at Asteria and nodded, as a sign for her to tell them what this was all about.

"Well... I couldn't help but think of the last words Blitz said to us" she started.

"What words-" Millie stopped and realized the last thing Blitzø said to them.

"H- he told us to sacrifice him or something?" She looked up at Asteria, she nodded.

"W-w-wait so you want to do that exactly?" Moxie asked, "I have calculated that we actually take a little of what's left in Blitzø's soul and body and give it to Stolas. Which will make him wake" Caelus clarified.

Neither Millie or moxie understood what Caelus meant by this, "But they're dead?"

Asteria shook her head, "actually they aren't fully dead, there is still a slight spark of them both alive. The monitors just can't pick it up."

"So they're just in a coma?" Millie exhaled in relief. But that wasn't right either, "no not exactly, their bodies are too broken and not functioning enough to to be considered in a coma. But their souls still haven't left, like something is still holding them back"

But something was in-fact keeping them here, neither of them were ready to die when Val shot them. They had a special... connection to each other.

"The point is we need to make a choice...." Caelus exhaled, "who do we save? Stolas or Blitzø?"

To be continued...

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter but I had to make it that way...
And sadly we are closing up to the end of book 1.... But the story dosent end there

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