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"Come on lets go." I told Nara

We both ran to eveyone else & noticed another girl.

"Who is that?" Nara asked.

No one knew. Looked like sje was a survivor.

The boys then came back. They found 2 other survivors too.

"Take them w us, let's go to our neck destination." Lieutenant Lee said.

When we arrived we were at a school.

*I got lazy sorry*

There were no signs of spheres

Later the three survivors got interviewed by Lieutenant lee.

The rest of us went to go cover up some dead bodies.

"Student Choi Dongseok." I read the name tag of a dead person.

"I wonder if we'll end up like this." I said.

Taeman heard what I said & stopped what he was doing.

He came to me patting my back caressing my hand.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you no matter what." Taeman said.

We carried on covering up the dead bodies.

"Did you see her eyes?" Taeman said loud enough  for everyone to hear.
"They were unfocused."
"It's just dreadful."

"If I was left alone, would I be like them?" Bora said.

"Will we be able to survive?" Hana said.

"This is why we should stay together." I said.

Later I walked up to the rooftop. I saw Taeman there.

"The only thing pretty in this world right now are the stars." I said.

"Pfft. You're pretty too." Taeman said smiling at me.

We then heard a huge gunshot.

We all ran to see what it was.

It turned out one of the survivors shot Wonbin.

"It's not my fault." She said.

"It's the adults fault's!!" She yelled.

Ppl rushed to help Wonbin.

Lieutenant Lee told us all to go.

The girls all went to the library.

"How's Mr Kim?" Soonyi asked.

"He's okay." Yeonju said.

We all were relieved.

"What if they end up shooting us too?" Junhee said.

"Yah lower your voice!" Soyoon said.

"But I understand her in a sense." Soonyi opened up.

"The adults abandoned her, no wonder why she did that." I said.

Yujeong then came.

"Mr. Lee wants to see us all."

"We want you all to return to the camp." Lee said.

"Huh? But we haven't finished the missions yet." Soyoon said.

"We can't guarantee this place is said." Lee told us all.

We then all went back to the library.

I lay back on the bed with my feet touching the floor.

"If this was a shelter, then I can't imagine what happened to our school." Taeman said.

I got up very quickly from lying down.

I'll wait for you || Wang Taeman x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora