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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 4 am

I've been working on one of Luthor's invention in the last few weeks. Lex Luthor is trully a genius. I've already made some of his blueprints, with slight changes of course. He last worked on a multiverse gate, but he didn't finish it. Based on his planes, I made the prototype in the cave, but it still needs a lot of modifications to make it work.

"Bruce, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" Clark touched my shoulder, but because he scared me, I through him to the wall of the cave.
"Clark! I'm sorry. You scared me. Why are you still awake?" I asked as I helped him up.
"I should ask the same from you. You should have been in bed two hours ago"
"I know, but I'm very close to figure out how to make this work. I'll sleep more tomorrow, I promis" I said and tried to turn back to my desk, but Clark didn't let me and forced me to look into his eyes.
"We both know you won't keep your promis when it's about your well being, but I let you work if you answer one question. Are you working on one of Luthor's crazy inventions?" he asked and I couldn't lie into his eyes. I was too tired to that.
"I am" I said barely audible, but he heard it.
"Bruce, his inventions are dangerous and evil! You can get hurt!" came the scolding.
"You're right, his inventions are evil, but I could make them good and useful. With small changes, his tools can be revolutionary in multiple industries" I tried to convince him, but he didn't listen to me.
"Really Bruce? You want to make a bussiness from this? He tried to kill me every other week and he also hurt you on our wedding day!" he was starting to lose control so I held his hand to make him focus on me.
"I don't want to make it to a bussiness thing. You know what I think about Luthor. I think I can change him for good, just give me some time" I leaned closer to him and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and after a big sigh, he turned away from me and headed towards the elevator.
"I trully hope that you'll succeed"

The next morning I was having breakfast with my family when I got a phone call from Luthor.

"Excuse me. I'll be back in a minute" I said as I entered the library and accepted the call.
"Morning, Bruce. You're plan worked, they fired me" Luthor said and I felt quiet sad because I didn't want to give him back the Lex corp.
"Are you sure they'll ask me to come back?"
"Absolutly. No one but you could save that company" we remained in silence for a few moments.
"Well then, we should meet in person, so I can give you back your corporation" I said and we decided to meet here, at the Wayne Manor.

"You have a lovely home, Wayne. Here, I got you a bottle of wine to celebrate your victory" he said and handed me over a very expensive red wine.
"You shouldn't have to bring me anything" I said a little bit embarrassed from the situation.
"I wouldn't need it anyway. I was saving it for when I finally beat Superman, but these few months away from work made me realize that it wasn't going to happen. I rather brought it to you" he said as we sat down in the library. Jonathan was sleeping upstairs, Dick is at school and Clark is at work. I told him about Luthor coming over and I still don't know how did I convince him.
"So... Are you saying you're not trying to kill Superman anymore?" I asked suspiciously.
"I'll try" he said after a few moments of thinking.
"You know I was a little bit sad that I have to give back all your works and your corp. I spent a lot of weeks with them" I said as I opened the wine and Alfred brought two glasses for us. He put it down on the table and left the room.
"Did you understand what I wrote?" he asked in a complete shock and I burst out laughing from seeing his expression.
"It wasn't atomic physisc, but I'll probably need one more month with the multiverse gate" I said as I laid back in the armchair and tasted the wine. It was very good.
"A month?! That plan hasn't completed yet" he said and I could see that he thinks I'm some kind of amateur scientist.
"You think I didn't know that? One month just to make the plan perfect and two weeks until I can build it" I said smiling at him and on his amazed face.
"Wait a minute. Are you an evil genius like me and you only married to Superman to kill him?" I couldn't believe he meant it.
"No, I'm not an evil genius and I love Superman, so back off" I said a little bit sternly.
"Alright, then why are you building my inventions?"
"I do modifications on them and then I build them. You have many good ideas, but you're using it to hurt people instead of helping them"
"They didn't give me anything. Why would I help them?"
"You didn't give anything to them either, but you took away a lot from them. All the destroyed buildings, the burning homes, the radioaction. You killed innocents for greater good" I waited for his answer, but he didn't say anything. He stared into his glass.

I didn't know where this idea came from, but it's sure that I won't be alive from tomorrow.

"Follow me" I put my glass back on the table and went to the living room. I took him down to the cave.
"What is this place? You... It can't be, you..."
"I'm Batman" I said and it was very enjoyable.
"Than that's why you can build a multiverse gate" he said smiling.
"Yes, but we could figure it out faster if we work together"
"And what are you're plans with it?" he asked suspiciously.
"What were your plans with it?" I asked sternly, but smiling.
"Fair point. Let me see how far you got" we sat at my desk until Clark didn't came down again in the middle of the night to send Luthor home and me to bed.

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