Being fired

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(This will be the main story line in this book)

Bruce's pov

Gotham, Wayne Tower 11 am

"Sorry for being late" I entered the meeting room with Jonathan.
"Mr Wayne, why are you bringing your child to an important meeting? That's not professional" Mr Smith said. He was one of my father's oldest investors and my dad was the only reason I let him stay. There are only a few others like him who knew my father and I didn't buy them out of the company.
"Professional or not, I had to bring him with me, so let's get this meeting starting, shall we? What's the topic?" I asked because they didn't send anything in the invitation.
"You are the topic, Mr Wayne"

"Me? Would you be so kind to explain this to me?" I asked sternly and I started to get angry.
"With pleasure. We held a vote at the previous meeting, and the result is clear. The company doesn't need a leader like you. By the authority of the board of directeurs, we will fire you with immediate effect" Mr Smith said and I shocked down. I was fired from my own company. But then...
"Do you really think you can keep this company going without me or without my money?" I laughed because I was more than sure they didn't think this through.
"I don't think there's anything funny about this. We have already found your successor who will replace you"
"Really? And who has that much money to buy my part from the company?" I prayed to myself that they wouldn't say Luthor.
"Lex Luthor. I think you know him. He's the richest person in Metropolis"
"Great. That's just great. Luthor is in jail right now" I said tiredly, but it didn't seem they care about it. I really hoped they could keep this company until I can return because I won't give up my parent's legacy that easily.
"He'll be released soon, and then we'll offer him a contract"
"Well then, you seem very confident with your plan. Good luck with it. See you in court" I said as I stood up with Jonathan in my arms and they looked at me shocked. "I hope you didn't believe that I would give you my parents' inheritance without fight. Have a good day" I said mockingly.

Space, Justice League watchtower 5 pm

"No, Bruce. That's the most dangerous idea I ever heard from you and we did a lot of crazy stuff" Clark said, but I expected that he wouldn't go in the first time, so I didn't give up.
"Just let me explain"
"No, it's a terrible idea"
"Then I'll do it alone" I glared at him and he finally gave in.
"Fine, I'll help you. What's the plan?" he sighed.
"I'll make a deal with Luthor before the company directors can"
"And why would he accept your offer instead of the company's?"
"Because I'll offer him more"
"Bruce, he'll betray you, you can't trust him"
"I think it's worth a try. I'm going to visit him tomorrow"
"Well, if it's really that important to you, then I'll help you make sure there'll be no problem with him"
"Thank you"
"You know it won't be easy to get him to trust. He knows you're my husband" he said as I walked towards the transporter.
"I know, but I can be very persuasive" I said with a kind of a evil smile and felt my husband's worried eyes on my back as I returned to Gotham.

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