Chapter 26 - Earthbound

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Earth was once the third planet from the sun in the Sol System. Due to the events of the Elsewhere Impetus, it was pulled into the orbit of the planet Vinta, a lush world that was itself a great machine designed to build worlds by a civilization long gone. The Revenant War left scars on Vinta and all its moons, but Vinta, Earth, and its inhabited moons enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity aided in no small part to their inclusion in the United Assembly or Worlds.

"Ten years," Finn whispered as Earth loomed large in the bridge's from window. "Has it really been that long?"

"Two for me," Sherle said quietly. "Last time I was here I was assigned to my first post; communications officer for J-27."

It was a somber moment for both of them, and like all somber moments aboard the Ulasomorf, something blundered in and messed it up like a bowling ball striking a stack of expensive china.

[Happy]"Greetings, fellow heroes!"

Finn felt an odd sense of dread as he turned to face Darsan only to find the elcor had swapped his usual hat for a massive straw hat. He was also wearing what could only be described as a poncho. The colors were quite nice, though the site of Darsan wearing them was as offsetting as one might expect. Finn couldn't help but wonder where Darsan found a pair of sunglasses, and even more mysteriously, how he was wearing them without ears.

"Darsan," Sherle said, struggling not to laugh. "What is all that?"

[Reasonable] "Since we're landing on the planet, I thought that I might take in a little sun. I hear the beaches are quite lovely."

"You're going to take a vacation?" Sherle asked disbelievingly. "Anodyne are after us. They're got a Revenant."

[Indifferent] "Yes, but they aren't here, are they?"

Finn rolled his eyes as Darsan walked off of the bridge. "I wish I had his confidence."

"Still thinking about the Revenant?" Sherle asked.

"Pretty hard not to." He shuddered as the image flashed through his mind. "One Revenant could still do a massive amount of damage, especially if we aren't prepared. I'm just glad we're not the ones going after it."

Sherle didn't reply.

Feeling that he must've said something wrong, Finn coughed and said, "I mean, I'm sure the Terrastellar will be more than capable of taking it out before it can cause any damage."

"I'm leaving."

Finn was stunned for a few moments. "What?"

Sighing, she said, "I was posted on J-27; now that the station's gone, my superiors are going to reassign me."

"But under the circumstances, can't you request-"

She shook her head, cutting his question short. "They need as many soldiers as they can get to be ready in case the krag situation gets worse. I'll be heading out tomorrow morning."

"I don't know what to say," Finn said, unable to keep the sadness out of his voice. "We're going to miss you."

She looked at her console as she replied. "I'm going to miss you too. All of you."

She suddenly slammed her fist on the console, startling Finn. "This sucks! For the first time in my life I feel like I'm part of something special and now it's getting torn away from me, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Finn didn't know what to say. What could he say? Nothing would miraculously change her orders. He felt useless; it was a feeling he had always hated.

"I'll be leaving once we dock on Earth," she told him. "Could you wait until I'm gone to tell everyone? I don't want a big scene."

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