Chapter 13 - Perchance to Dream

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Once the last crate had been loaded and the final box delivered, the Ulasomorf pulled away from the docking station. In a matter of minutes, Shangri-La was just a blip on their rear sensors. Finn watched as it slowly slid across the screen and eventually vanished.

After hitting the relay, Finn asked Jake, "Could you take the helm for awhile? It's a long trip to New Elysia, and after everything that's happened today, I could use some sleep."

"Go ahead, bro," Jake told him. "I'll let you know if anything happens."

As he headed for the door, Jake asked, "Oh, by the way; how'd it go with that cute Rilayan?"

"Goodnight, Jake," Finn said pointedly, not bothering to turn around. Jake's laughter followed him out of the bridge.

Finn took of the Azure Moons armor and unceremoniously tossed it piece by piece behind him as he walked through the Ulasomorf's cargo bay. He take good shield emitter over heavy plating any day.

As he struggled to tug off the last boot, Sherle stepped out from an adjoining corridor.

"Making yourself at home?" she asked, putting a hands on her hips.

"Bah," he muttered, still struggling. "I'll pick it up later. It is my ship now, after all."

With a sigh, she shooed his hands away and grabbed the boot by the toe and heel. After a few hearty tugs, she managed to yank the boot free.

"Thanks," he told her, taking the boot. "I'm glad to be out of that crap."

He continued heading to the cargo bay. To his surprise, Sherle followed him.

"You don't have to thank me," he told her. "I don't have enough friends to start leaving them behind."

"It's not that." She blushed, quickly adding, "Not that I'm not grateful; I am. I was just wondering if I could ask you something."

Finn shrugged, saying, "Shoot."

"Okay," she said hesitantly. "Why are you avoiding Earth?"

"It's on the other side of the galaxy. Waste of time going all that way if we don't need to," he said a lot more breezily than he felt. He paused a moment before asking, "That reminds me; did you get in contact with the TerraStellar?"

"I did. I asked for help, but apparently there's some problem with the krag that has everyone on edge."

"What kind of problem?" Finn asked, a bit alarmed. People were still talking about the time when the krag nearly overthrew the Assembly.

"They wouldn't say," Sherle told him. "They offered protection, but we'll have to go to Earth."

"Figures," Finn muttered. He tried to move around Sherle, but she quickly cut in front of him again.

"Look, I know you don't like the TerraStellar, but-"

"I don't have a problem with the TerraStellar," he told her truthfully.

She was surprised by his answer. "Y-you don't?"

He shook his head. "Sure, there are a few bad apples and I can't say I agree with everything they've done over the years but overall, TerraStellar has done a lot of good in the galaxy."

"Then why do you refuse to go to them for help?"

Finn was silent for a moment before asking, "How'd you end up on J-27?"


"How'd you end up on J-27?" Finn repeated. "That shot you made in Fuego's library was one in a million ... nice work, by the way. You're skilled with a rifle, you're quick on your feet, and you're good with the comm systems. You'd probably make a fantastic officer back on Earth or on any TerraStellar vessel. Why were you posted to J-27?"

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