CUPID [ 09 ]

210 13 2

The speaker blasting loud musics, flashing lights with the people around them talking loudly only made Taerae feels foreign. He's not made for all of this. He knew it yet he forced himself to for the sake of seeing Haseul.

As soon as he stepped into the party, he tried to search for Haseul but it came to no avail. Therefore he came up with a plan to search for Ricky since she might be with him but turns out she wasn't with him all along.

Yunseo pulled Taerae over to a less crowded place. Though Yunseo was not seen by anyone, she could literally feel how suffocating it was to be squished in between the dancing crowd. Glad they made it out of there, and now they stood by the sliding door which allowed them to see the sight of the swimming pool.

“Is she really that busy? We don't even see her ever since we came here”

“I know, but she must be somewhere in this party. Maybe she's in the crowd and we just overlooked past her”

“Do you think we should get back inside? But I'm too lazy... But at the same time I have to see her...” Taerae felt motivated and unmotivated at the same time. It feels like he's draining out of his social battery.

“Look, look! She's over there” Yunseo repeatedly taps on his shoulder, pointing towards the swimming pool.

Now the two pair of eyes had their attention on Haseul. But what piqued their concern was how a few unknown girls confronting Haseul, and the look on their faces for sure was not a friendly one.

The group of girls seem to gang up on Haseul, and it was confirmed when one of them took a few steps ahead, causing Haseul to back away, not realizing that she was only a few steps away from falling into the swimming pool.

“Taerae, I think you should stop them now. Things are not looking too good” Yunseo suggested, concern lacing her tone.

Without wasting time, Taerae dashed towards Haseul, pulling her closer to him by her wrist. Thank God he made it on time, or else she would bathe in the swimming pool by now.

His sudden presence surprised Haseul at first, but then she was grateful. He shoots his unfamiliar sharp gaze towards the bunch of girls, resulting them to feel defeated but still tried to keep their composure.

“Who are you? Oh, let me guess. You're one of her dogs, aren't you?” asked a girl, which Taerae knew her name.

Lee Mijin. She was famous for her rebel behaviour. Taerae labelled her as a 'bad girl wannabe' because she's nothing but dumb and an all talk.

“Her dog, huh?” Taerae sinisterly smiles before he continued, “I noticed how much you've been pestering her, and how loud you've been barking at her. Who's the dog now?” slightly tilting his head, his gaze was showing all kind of mockery in it.

It would be a lie if Mijin didn't feel small because of Taerae. So in return she threw her gaze somewhere else, lowly groaning in annoyance before stomping away, followed by the other girls.

Yunseo who was standing beside Haseul watch in amuse. She has never seen this side of Taerae, and she was proud of how Taerae managed to stand up for Haseul.

“Are you okay?” his voice was soft as soon as he spoke to Haseul.

“I–I'm okay... Thank you for saving me from them”

“What's up with those girls? Seriously, don't they have anything better to do?” he mumble to himself, which was still heard by Haseul.

“Ever since I dated Ricky, they started to pressure me into breaking up with him. But I decided to be stubborn. Well, love requires sacrifice, doesn't it? I love Ricky and I don't want us to break up just because they were telling me to”

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