CUPID [ 13 ]

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The way Taerae was walking back and forth made Yunseo sucked in a deep breath before finally tugging on the boy's shirt and pulled him back to his sense.

“I get that you worry about her, but jeez, calm down” she huffed out.

They should've been at home by now but here they are, in front Haseul's gate, contemplating whether they should just barge in or ring the doorbell like normal humans do. It's all because of Taerae who couldn't stop worrying about Haseul.

“How could I calm down? Look, the lights are not even on! ...oh wait”

He stopped his naggings once the light in one of her room were finally seen to be switched on.

“See? I told you. She's going to be fine. She just need her time, alone” Yunseo emphasised on the last word, trying to get Taerae to understand–which he finally did.

Hesitantly, he turned on his back, following Yunseo who was finally walking away. He glanced for the last time. The lights are still on.

‘I hope she's doing just fine’ he thought to himself.

Yunseo turned to look at Taerae with a fond smile on her face, before she unexpectedly attacked him with a playful headlock.

“Oh my, I never know that you could worry about someone this much. It's surely different when a man is in love, huh?”

“Are you trying to piss me off now?” Taerae annoyedly asked as he tried to get out of her headlock. “Besides you should help me!”

“Help you with what?”

“What would make you happy if you're feeling down or sad?”

“I don't know? The sadness just go away as time passes by. I never even tried to cheer myself up”

Taerae sighed at the reply, “You're not a human indeed”

She lightly scoffed, “I know that you're asking me because you want Haseul to regain her smile”

Taerae only stayed silent, not denying because what she said was true. He really can't see Haseul cry. As if they're somewhat connected, Taerae could feel what Haseul feels. Everytime she smiles, Taerae feels happy. Everytime she cries, Taerae would feel sad too.

“As a girl myself, I don't really know what would cheer a girl up whenever they feel sad. But I do have something in mind”

“What is it?”

Yunseo only threw him a smile as she fastened her walking pace.

“Hey! Don't leave me just like that! Tell me!” Taerae shouted, trying to catch up with the girl.


The two sat on the bench, one was feeling content as she chew on the fishcake. Meanwhile, the other only bore his gaze into the girl, waiting.

Taerae has been bribed. Again.

Earlier, Yunseo said she was going to tell him a genius plan that she had on her mind. In return, he have to buy her the street foods that she has been craving for these past few days.

“Do you want some?” with her mouth still chewing on the food, she offered to Taerae.

He only sighed in return, his gaze boring into her. “So are you going to tell me or–” before he could even finish his words, Yunseo shoved the fishcake into his mouth, shutting him up.

When Taerae glanced over, Yunseo only bat her lashes along with an innocent smile. Defeated, he willingly chewed on the food.

“What do you think about being a secret admirer?” she suddenly asked.

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