CUPID [ 03 ]

323 18 2



"Kim Taerae!!!"

Within three times his name being called out, he finally snapped out of his daydreaming state. All eyes were on him, and he shivered knowing that there was a pair of eyes staring right into him, full of anger.

"No zoning out in my class, how many times do I have to tell you that? Now come up to the front and solve this question" Ms.Kang who was also known as the most strict Mathematic teacher in the school instructed.

Gulping down the fear, he stood up and slowly walked to the front. His own hands were shaking as he grabbed the marker pen. However, he knew he was capable of solving the equation given. It's just his mind was scrambled all over, thinking about last night's incident.


In the midst of the loud group of boy talking, Taerae was still silent. Of course it didn't go unnoticed by one of his friend.

"What's wrong? I noticed that you've been out of space ever since this morning. Is something bothering you?" Hanbin questioned, making sure that his voice was low since he didn't want the others to have their attention on Taerae who seemed to be bothered.

Taerae flashed an awkward smile before he shook his head in an instance. "It's nothing"

Hanbin knew Taerae was lying. But if the boy choose to not open up to him, there's nothing he can do about it. "If you say so"

Taerae excused himself right after, saying that he needs to go to the toilet. But somehow he ended up at the rooftop, a place where he finally feels like he could breath.

He looked down on both of his palms. No one would know what he was truly thinking at the moment other than Taerae himself. He was totally questioning his whole existence. Some part of him told him that he must have been crazy. But some part of him wanted to believe whatever nonsense that the girl has fed him.

"...And whenever you're ready to see me again, just snap your fingers two times"

Hesitantly, he snapped his fingers.



He looked around.

There's no one there.

Letting out a heavy sigh, he chuckled to himself.

"It must be a dream then.. Or maybe I was too tired last night" he muttered to himself.

"Says who?" a voice interrupted, making Taerae's body jolted in shock.

He turned around, only to see the same girl who claimed herself as the Cupid stood right behind him, smiling. His eyes widened as he unintentionally backed away a few steps from her.

"Don't tell me that you're still in denial" she groaned, growing tired of the same expression on the boy. He should've learned to accept the situation by now and adapt with it so that she could get her job done. She don't have that much time left either.

"Y-You... Are you even real?"

"All I can say is I'm not a human like you" she then walked over to the rooftop railing, resting her arms on the metal barricade.

"You don't have to freak out. I'm only here to help you with your love life"

It took him a few minutes since he lets the silence get in the way, probably trying to figure out the mysterious figure who was standing right beside him.

Hesitantly, he spoke up. "Are you going to set me up with someone?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"But...with who?"

She fell silent. She was busy looking at the ground, but her eyes were fixated on someone.

"Her" from the rooftop, she pointed down to a girl who had her hair tied up into a ponytail. She was walking alongside with her friends, and guessing from the red shorts and white t-shirts that they were wearing, they all just finished physical education class.

Taerae's attention darted on the said girl, and when he finally figure out who he was going to be paired up with, he snapped his head back to the so called Cupid.

"Are you crazy? She has a boyfriend!"

"So what? Do you think I don't know that you've been crushing on her all these time?" she turned to look at him before she continued.

"Kim Haseul. You developed feelings for her ever since you were in eighth grade. The first time you met her was the day when you saw her helping a kitten out of the drain. Love at a first sight, huh? How cute" she playfully nudged him.

Taerae's mouth fell agaped. Once again, he was out of word. Maybe he should consider taking the girl seriously this time. It looks like she knows too much about his love life. Hell, it was too detailed and if he was being honest, he almost forgot how he fell for Haseul but the mysterious girl just casually reminded him of it again.

"But still, that doesn't change the fact that she has a boyfriend" he frowned.

"Judging from how his boyfriend acted, I don't think they're going to last long. And I know you know it too. I mean, her boyfriend is literally your close friend. What's his name again? Shen Ruan Qui?" she said, struggling to recall the specific name.

"Shen Quan Rui. Just call him Ricky" Taerae corrected.

"Right... So, let's just be bad for once and tear them apart. It's for your own happiness anyways" she beamed an innocent smile.

"One question" Taerae spoke and the girl slightly raised her eyebrows, indicating for the boy keep going.

"Is your name really Cupid?" he asked.

"Well, I was once a human so maybe you can call me Yunseo" she just shrugged.

"Yunseo? Is that your human name?"

"My identity, to be exact. Any more question?"

"Your only job was to match me with Haseul... But what if you fail? What will happen?"

Taerae could see the smile that she was wearing these whole time slowly vanishing. Her eyes shifted to the sky, staring at it with no emotion.

"Nothing much, I'll just lose the chance to reincarnate" getting tired of having her heads up for a long time, she finally turned to look at Taerae as the smile regains.

"But let's not focus on that. For now, I will try my best to get you together with Haseul. You're my last mission anyways"

'last mission...'

After a while of processing the phrase, Taerae could finally puzzle it together. Just right when he was about to talk again, he noticed that she was nowhere in sight.

Again, she disappeared.

If he was her last mission, then that does mean she wouldn't get another chance to reincarnate if she fails this time.

She must succeed, no matter what.

CUPID | ZB1 김TAERAENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ