Chapter Two: Demons?

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"Wait. Hold on. You're not being clear. Have you seen anything or not? Mmhm... okay. And you've only realised that now? Yes, madam, I understand. Just try to be more responsible next time." The officer hangs up.

"Another report of some strange anomaly?"

"You got that right, Barb," he responds. "It's been three days and the station's been getting ridiculous calls that claim to be serious. I haven't seen this place this confused since-"

"Comutox? I know," Barbara comments lowly.

"That was a sad tale to a great city," he says passionately.

"But we've become stronger since."

"I don't know, Barb. It's brought up problems in our lives. Now, our hero's even starting to turn to the dark side."

"You honestly believe that, Frank?"

"Sure, Nature's been good for this long. But what happens if she turns? Who can stop her?" Frank complains.

"There are other heroes out there," Barbara states.

"Yeah. Well, jurisdiction doesn't support the Antidote coming here yet. The Pentagon still hasn't been seen since the Earth's Poison was taken down, and don't even talk to me about X-Treme." He sinks his head into the table then rises again. "I don't want our city to end up like Cyclone City; being guarded by some anti-hero... whatever he- it is."

"You're too paranoid, Frank."

"Paranoia is a catalyst to a man's ability to see the truth." Immediately, the phone rings. "GCPD... Alright. We're on our way."

Squad cars cruise through the streets; sirens wailing. All the cars and pedestrians make way as the police speedily pass by.

"Where do you think they're heading?" some wonder.

An officer speaks into his radio, "This is not a drill. All personnel should be either at the scene or taking civilians to safety."

"Where to officer?" Kevin asks, having hacked into their network.

"Kid," the officer replies to Kevin, "one day you will be arrested for connecting to our frequency."

"But I'm your only link to Nature so until that day comes... you're stuck with me," Kevin retorts.

The officer sighs and answers, "Criaturas del Golfo. Reptile Section."

"Muchas gracias."

The officer sets the com back.


"You got it?" Kevin asks Jessica.

"Yeah," she nods, putting on her mask.

Owen puts his hands on her shoulders. "Hey. You haven't faced anything this deadly in a long time. Before things get crazy... be careful."

She looks at him a little nervous, then sees Selena giving a thumbs up from behind him.

"Kiss him," Selena mimes.

Jessica looks back at Owen. "Thanks, Owen." Walking to the window, she takes a quick look at her friends. "Wish me luck." She jumps out.

The three look at each other anxiously.

At the zoo...

The police have arrived and are helping the wildlife authorities take people as far away from the reptile farm as possible. When they finish the evacuation, they prepare to go in. Majority are puzzled by what to expect.

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