Chapter 8 - Precursors of Chaos

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Litsium: "It is precisely what is occurring Father Täjäriiotta!!" His tone intensifies. "Abigail Myrellie has clouded his judgment by packing his head with revolutionist garbage to the brim along with a third of Apperton's population!!! She is returning hope to these people, and Nali's companions are not to be taken lightly!! Those little punks must be stopped before the revolution takes place, otherwise we will enter a- a- a-.. a fucking war!!"

Yoanitta immediately glues Litsium's face to the floor with her ability.
"Do not direct your foul words to Father that way, Litsium Paploi Higgurath. I will not hesitate to take your life."

Father signals her to release the pressure.
He takes two steps towards Litsium.
Powerful demeanor.

He allows the young man to rise from the ground.

"Let us see what transpires. I must admit my curiosity in regards to Nali's everlasting growth remains... exponential.
And the boy with the marks."

Hortensio: "They seem to be quite close. So much so that it caused Jacob Culiedro to splice."

"I see." 

He turns, stepping towards his throne. 

"The rules state no members, from any of the Royal Families, are allowed relations or intercourse amongst one another.

He turns to them.
"From this moment on, Nali Heisenberg and Saramintha Higgurath are allowed to co-exist."

Litsium: "What!? MY SISTER!? THAT IS ABSURD FATHER--!!" Hortensio punches him in the stomach and holds him close.
Hortensio: "Shut up for a moment Litsium." He murmurs.

Yoanitta: "What brought this decision upon you, Father? What is your plan?"

"Saramintha Higgurath, who now wishes to be part of the Heisenberg family. Who grew up an elder sister to the children of the Hallard family, has brought intrigue and mystery to herself upon awakening. For a young woman as her to find solace in Nali Heisenberg, of all, is fascinating. "

Father lightly grins.

"Morbid interested in these individuals plagues my conscious.
How they will handle the uproar within Apperton.
Which individuals they will place their trust upon.
What actions will be taken."

Litsium: "I understand your curiosity Father. But with all due respect, Abigail Myrellie will begin the revolution sooner or later, and I suspect she will request aid from her sister and those children. We should eliminate them immediately. Exterminate the pests before they can begin! Crush the enemy before they can act-"


He interrupts.

"Let them come."

Location: Wilderness
Destination: Petal Subway Station/
Zamaton - 10:50 am

Through the last hurdle of their journey, Petal Subway Station draws near.

Myra: "Hey Kohen." He lands her a calm glance. "Didn't that Litsium guy say something about "The dogs in Section C?"

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