Escaping The Bounty Hunters - Chapter 4

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I head to New Meca go to the protection jewelry shop that includes trackers (tracker in jewelry, in case kidnapped or lost). I buy 6 rings and quickly leave the shop, as I approach my ship I hear a bounty hunter say that he doesn't know why they wear that charm we can see through it with these glasses. I put on my Invisibility Cloak, find a bounty hunter that is all alone and knock them out, copy their glasses down to the last minute detail, turn my glamor ring on to make sure they only work with glamor charm, take off my cloak putting it way, revive the bounty hunter apologize for bumping into them and then make my way to my ship, leaving without raising suspension, hopefully. I land on a abandoned planet and check for trackers, it seems they shot one at the ship as I left, so I remove the tracker and take off quickly.

I make orbit leaving quickly to ensure I'm not followed, as I leave the system I spot a ship flying down to the planet fast. I gun it to Furya and straight home. I tell them both pack a bag with clothes and essentials only. I shrink the castle illusion the mountain side to look normal, have everyone in the ATV as I shrink the other ATV and put it in my trunk. I emergency call the Aurors telling them to evacuate everyone to safety zones cause bounty hunters are coming soon. I call Goldfang telling him everything that I need for my new ship. I call Bill the Port Master asking who was standing behind him during the call from the picture I sent him. He says his sons friend Joel. I let him know that now we're being targeted and Furya is about to be invaded, so find him and your son take them both to the Aurors and get to safety now. I tell Rick to go and I'll catch-up, I'm going to get a new ship. I appariate directly into Gringotts lobby, letting them know I need to see Goldfang quickly. I tell them it's important and just then Goldfang walks out not saying anything but hands me a package containing my new untraceable ship with switches to make invisible also with no heat signature. He tells me to go before telling the guard to be sure it's all clear and lock it up tight. I appariate directly to the ATV passenger front seat.

I grab my mirror tell Rick to stop, illusion the tunnel and ATV to look like the inside of a ship already in orbit and call Bill, he is with the Aurors with both his son and his friend Joel. He answered, when he sees me in orbit just says to go don't worry about them, he says the Hunters lied to Joel saying they would help his dad, they arrested him even though he is innocent with no proof, just the word of some man with money all because Joel's dad refused to sell his company.

I ask for the fat cats name, where he can be found and then ask how he knew soo many details, even though I already knew. Kyra bragged about knowing Rick and me. I told Bill to turn the mirror away from him and turn slowly. I hand the mirror to Rick, point to his ring to which he turns off and he looks in the mirror he says, "Big Daddy Johns, why am I not surprised! What do we owe the privilege of your visit?"

Daddy Johns says, "Come in we will talk." I burst up laughing, I couldn't help it, saying, "Sorry, not Sorry!" Rick looks at me with a grin then looks at Johns says, "I don't think so, you have what two ships tops and I slipped my trackers so good luck finding us. What is it you really want to talk about?"

Johns says, "My son and how he died!"

I say, "Morphine over use and Bio-raptors, alot of them!"

Rick says, "That is how your son died. Anything else, if not we must be leaving."

Johns says, "Wait if you don't want this world enslaved I suggest you come to me, now."

I grabbed the mirror from Rick and say, "So the apple didn't fall far from the tree after all, you both are spineless. Using innocent people to get what you want. He tried to sacrifice me so he could get off that hell hole of a planet but didn't listen to my warnings since I had crashed there days before them. Hey that's ok, you sacrifice others for that payday right, no matter the cost! The creed is greed, after all right? Your boy was addicted to morphine, he tried stopping me from using it to comfort a severely wounded man with a piece of metal through his chest near his heart and into the floor but the man died after one small dose of morphine and before I could start properly treating him. Your son used so much morphine I could literally smell it. I think you need to leave the system, tell them there is nothing here and stay gone. It's still deserted due to the excessive gravity."

I noticed several Aurors caught on to what I was saying, stunned all the bounty hunters in the room, the female sniper lookout, and everybody still aboard their ship. We waited for them to wake up, found out there is no other ships in orbit, Oblivated them all and told them that their is nobody else on this planet. The only safe place they could find to land was here, because everywhere else is forest, too rocky or flooded.

Johns and his fellow bounty hunters left the system but it seems their ship map system had frozen, unbeknownst to the ships company Furya was now completely wiped from their system.

We went back home, I set the castle back where it belongs and life continues.

*****Time Skip Two Years******

Two years have passed and life on Furya is comfortable. The Goblins helped Rick change his identify again and facial features slightly after we were here six months. He decided to change his name after we married, he changed his name after my family, to James (Father) Sirius (Godfather) Peverell (Family name). Riddick was listed as dead along with Johns son according to The Company system. He still causes havoc for the Company wherever he can but uses his glamor ring so he isn't recognized. Joel's dad was released from prison after all news outlets published his illegal incarnation promting a huge investigation into hunters and the Company's Prison System.

The town expanded and many treehouses were built just inside the jungle to be hidden but still be able to access the town easily. A security check point was added after entering the system. This was done to ensure no unwanted visitors were coming to cause problems in our system. Planetary defenses were hidden but were also added to several planets in the system to help prevent possible invasions.

*****Time Skip Ten Years*****

Rick and I are still going strong, six years ago we had our first set of twins (a boy named Richard and a girl named Cassie) and four years later we had our second set of twins (both boys named Regulus and Sirius). We visited Iman on New Mecca a couple times over the years with our families.

Coming to the future after surviving a near world ending Apocalypse and then surviving bio-raptors was definitely worth being with my mate.

The End!

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