|| 32. Don't Leave (UN-EDITED)

Start from the beginning

@no1crimson : hey

@ronnieboy : hi

@no1crimson : what's harry's number

@ronnieboy : he doesn't have one

@no1crimson : elaborate?

@ronnieboy : he doesn't have a phone

@no1crimson : oh

@no1crimson : well, can you tell me where this "mirror" is? i need to talk to him

@ronnieboy :  just go up the stairs in the direction where harry went, it's on the edge of the hallway in the strange corner 

@no1crimson : thanks

 @ronnieboy : anytime


The ascent of the staircase brought Y/N to a moment of introspection, her phone finding its place in her pocket as she surveyed her surroundings. Her gaze swept over the expanse of the hallway, eventually coming to rest upon a darkened passage.

The sight seemed to trigger a subtle flutter within her chest, a heartbeat that momentarily skipped a beat. A hitch in her breath caused her to take a few steps back, as if retreating from an unseen force that seemed to linger within the shadows.

In an instant, her mind was transported to a different time, a moment suspended within the tapestry of memory.


"Daddy, where are you going?" A younger Y/N's voice carried a sense of innocence as she held her beloved teddy bear close, her voice a sleepy murmur as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Her gaze met Caspian's, her father's, as he stood at the threshold of her bedroom door.

"I'll be home soon, darling," Caspian reassured, his words a balm to soothe any unease that might have arisen from their impending separation. He took a few steps back, his gaze filled with a mixture of paternal affection and a hint of hesitancy. Bending down, he bestowed a tender kiss upon Y/N's forehead, a gesture that held the promise of return.

Amidst this quiet exchange, Amaryllis emerged, her presence a shift in the familial dynamic. Y/N peeked her head out from her room, a silent observer to the interplay between her parents. Caspian's gaze lingered on his daughter, a fleeting moment of connection that spoke volumes.

However, it was the interaction between Caspian and Amaryllis that drew Y/N's attention like a moth to a flame. Their shared gaze held a palpable tension, a unspoken exchange that seemed to carry the weight of unaddressed conflicts. Their unyielding stares gave birth to a silent battle of wills, a clash of emotions that played out within the boundaries of their shared gaze.

In the midst of this tense tableau, Caspian's voice broke the silence, his words abrupt yet laden with a vulnerability that caught Y/N off guard. 

"If... Mommy and Daddy were to— split, who would you rather be with?" The question hung in the air, a sudden and unexpected intrusion into the realm of a child's understanding.

Y/N's youthful gaze widened in response, the innocence of her features tinged with the confusion that often accompanied complex adult matters. The question remained suspended between them, an unresolved query that echoed within the passage of time. Y/N's voice emerged with an innocent pout, her words carrying a touch of vulnerability that seemed to cut through the air like a plea. 

"I don't want you to split," she confessed, her eyes glistening with an earnestness that tugged at Caspian's heartstrings. A heavy sigh escaped him, the weight of the situation evident in his expression.

"Caspian, cut it out," Amaryllis's tone was sharp, a directive that held a note of authority. Her voice clashed with Y/N's vulnerability, the two locking eyes with an intensity that mirrored the unspoken tensions between them. Despite the confrontation, Caspian's determination held steadfast. He refused to let the moment slip away without resolution.

 "Come on, Y/N. Answer, okay?" His insistence hung in the air, a request that carried a hint of urgency. The frown that tugged at Y/N's lips was a testament to her inner turmoil, her conflicted emotions playing out across her features.

As the tension continued to mount, Amaryllis's patience wore thin, her exasperation spilling over. 

"Caspian, just fucking leave already!" Her outburst was punctuated by the tight grip of her hand around Y/N's arm, a protective gesture that pulled the petite girl closer to her side. Caspian's jaw clenched, his own frustration evident as he rose from his seat.

But his departure was met with a plea, an appeal from his own flesh and blood that echoed in the dimly lit hallway. 

"Amaryllis, she's as much of my daughter as she is yours," Caspian's voice held a note of desperation, a final attempt to bridge the chasm that had formed between them. Yet Amaryllis's glare remained unyielding, a wall of resistance that defied his words.

"Go be with your other woman," Amaryllis's words were abrupt, the sharpness of her tone a reflection of her resolve. She held Y/N close, a protective embrace that symbolized her unwavering stance. "Y/N and I will do just fine here," she declared, her voice laced with finality.

Caspian's sigh held a note of defeat as he took a step back, his figure receding into the darkness of the hallway. The enveloping shadows seemed to echo the sense of closure that had been reached. Y/N's gaze flickered between her two parents, her confusion a tangible presence that hung in the air.

"Daddy, don't leave, please," Y/N's plea was a whisper, a fragile note of hope that held the potential to mend what had been fractured. But Caspian's face disappeared into the abyss, his presence fading, leaving Y/N in a world of uncertainty. Amaryllis held her close, the warmth of their embrace a comforting anchor amidst the storm of emotions. 

Y/N's eyes glistened, a reflection of her innocence and the weight of understanding that had begun to settle upon her young shoulders. The complexities of adult relationships remained beyond her grasp, but the essence of their discord was palpable, leaving an indelible mark on her consciousness.


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