|| 21. Red Bird (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N's brow arched in a gesture of skepticism, her arms instinctively crossing as she stood there, an attentive audience to the trio's explanation

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Y/N's brow arched in a gesture of skepticism, her arms instinctively crossing as she stood there, an attentive audience to the trio's explanation. The words of Harry, Ron, and Hermione flowed into her ears, but her expression remained slightly incredulous.

"Snape. Really?" Her words were delivered with a deadpan precision, as if she needed more convincing to accept such a bold assertion. Harry's persistent nodding met her remark, his determination unwavering as he attempted to make his case. Y/N's skepticism lingered, like a shadow that cast doubt upon the claim that Snape was responsible for the curse on Harry's broom.

"Yeah, Y/N, you must've noticed it too. Remember when we faced that Troll? Snape's leg was bleeding afterward, and he was limping earlier today. It's clear he got bitten trying to sneak past that three-headed dog!" Harry's insistence carried the fervor of someone passionately advocating for a point they believed in. Y/N's brows furrowed slightly, her expression revealing a mixture of consideration and contemplation.

A thoughtful silence enveloped the room, Y/N's gaze focused as she weighed the possibilities. "But he's a professor, Harry," she interjected, her voice tempered with a rational approach.

 "Perhaps he was merely investigating the situation? It stands to reason that he would be aware of the circumstances surrounding the three-headed dog," she added, her words spoken with a blend of logic and curiosity.

Hermione's voice chimed in, offering her agreement. "Harry's reasoning does hold some merit, Crimson."

Y/N let out a soft sigh, her expression a blend of resignation and amusement. "Fine, fine," she conceded, her tone laced with a hint of playful exasperation. "If you three are so certain, then I'll accept the Snape theory for now," she stated, her words containing a light-hearted undertone.

Pushing herself up from her seat, Y/N announced her intent to depart. "Well, I'm heading back to my dorm." Her deadpan delivery implied that she had reached her limit on the subject, ready to leave the conversation behind.

Hermione's voice cut through the air, a request that shifted Y/N's trajectory. "Actually, Y/N, could you... stay?" The unexpected question hung in the air, a curiosity that beckoned Y/N to pause.

Her eyebrows furrowed in surprise, Y/N couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Hermione's words held a mysterious allure, a hint of something beneath the surface. "I thought it might be nice to have an early chat, you know, about a few things." Her explanation was enigmatic, a puzzle that Y/N found herself drawn to decipher.

Y/N's lips parted slightly, her gaze narrowing as she regarded Hermione. The invitation held an intriguing quality, a promise of conversation that seemed to harbor more than met the eye. As her curiosity flared, Y/N's thoughts swirled with questions, each one urging her to remain and delve into the mysteries Hermione hinted at.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now