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I jumped into the water after all of my siblings and immediately felt discomfort.

Nothing about it felt natural as I looked at the colorful world underwater. Thousands of living creatures made their way around as we swam in the reef.

I felt a weight press down on my back causing me to let out a slight shriek. I turned to see Tuk clinging to my back happily.

I tried my best to move around in the water with Tuk attached to me but found it nearly impossible to keep up with the rest.

I watched as my brothers breached for air a second time, making Ao'nung, Tsireya, and Rotxo follow.

I swam up slowly, hardly breaking the surface of the water, as Tuk's weight dragged me down. I desperately reached out to grab anything to keep me from sinking, making contact with someone's arm.

Ao'nung hissed as he turned toward me at the contact. His eyes grew wide as he noticed I was struggling to tread water.

He quickly snaked an arm around my waist underwater to stabilize my body. I sucked in a sharp breath as his hand held my bare skin.

"You're too fast! Wait for us," Tuk whined on my back. Ao'nung kept a strong grasp on me as we stayed surfaced.

"Just breathe," Tsireya reassured with a smile. I watched as Ao'nung's face twisted into a smirk.

"You are not good divers. Maybe good and swinging through trees but-," he was quickly cut off as his sister hit his head. He still kept his hand on me as he glared at Tsireya.

"We don't speak this finger talk, guys. We don't know what you're saying," Neteyam started in frustration.

"I will teach you," Tsireya offered warmly.

"Where's Kiri?" Rotxo asked worriedly, catching all of our attention.

I tapped Tuk's leg, letting her know she needs to get off as I left Ao'nung's grasp to look.

"I will find her," Ao'nung offered, annoyed at the circumstance.

"I will come with you," I quickly stated, knowing that Kiri was my responsibility. Ao'nung only nodded in response, knowing that he would not be able to talk me out of it.

"We will be on shore practicing our breathing," Tsireya started before I went underwater.

Swimming was much easier without Tuk on my back, though I still had to come up for air more times than Ao'nung would've liked.

I studied the world around me while searching for my unpredictable sister. The creatures all seemed to mind their own, as Ao'nung and I swam by.

Ao'nung tapped my side and pointed forward, where Kiri floated, and watched a school of fish.

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