chapter 21

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Rosies point of view

I walked down the stairs from the girls dormitory slightly nervous. Stupid ferret boy and his stupid face and his stupid money he used to buy me a pretty necklace, I muttered to myself as I walked into the common room, where the first person I saw was, of course, Draco.

"Fancy meeting you here,"Draco said, a smug smile clearly prominent on his face from his spot on the dark green couch in the middle of the Slytherin common room.

"You invited me, Blondie,"I smiled back as I plopped my books on the fancy wooden table made from fancy trees from Australia or something. 

"Blondie?"He said, furrowing his brow.

"Sorry, I meant ferret."I responded, smirking as he opened a potions book to the three hundred and fifty-fifth page.

"In that case, I guess I'll just call you Daffodil."

"Daffodil? Really Draco?"I snorted.

He smirked.

"What?"I said, slightly confused. 

"You called me Draco."

"That's your name, isn't it?"

"What if it wasn't?"

"Then that would be confusing, and I would develop more trust issues."I said, reaching up to touch my necklace once again.

He looked up from the book, doing that weird Malfoy not-smirk. His fingers traced the boks page as he read out loud,"Quiddich originated around the year 1050, when a witch by the name of Gertie Keddle recorded a game at Queerditch Marsh in her diary, which lasted a while, and is the reason  we now know where  it came from."

I moved next to him on the couch. He glanced at me and I smiled, an idea building up in my head. " Let's go to the glass room."

He looked at me  questionably. "And fail potions? I'd rather not."

"I happen to know some smart people who actually do their homework."

He put down the book he was holding. "Let's go then."he smirked.


Authors note brought to you by Liberty Mutual:

Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need(I'm sorry, I got that stuck in my head and really need to get it unstuck) 

I had to google stuff for this chapter, and my eyes are making that weird blinky sound when you really need to sleep but can't because your writing a fanfiction on Wattpad and really don't want to sound like your twelve(I'm not). Anyway, have a good day. And go ahead and vote, unless you don't have the time to move your finger slightly to press the vote button because you want to get to the next damn chapter(Honestly, same)

Goodbye my little fanfic unicorns<3

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