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Her eyes jolted open, her chest went up and down, followed by heavy breaths. She was in her bed, sweating through her pajamas. Not only that, but she could feel the throbbing sensation between her thighs.

No. No way I just had a- a sex dream... What. The. Fuck.

Her thoughts were fumbling, and her face was fuming in redness. She changed her clothes, trying to hide her immaturity with business casual clothes. Her routine was interrupted by a phone call, a phone call that she anticipated was coming.

Picking up the phone, she spoke. "Yes, Hello?"

"Ms. Mio!" Her understudies reply made her flinch. "I need you!"

Confused, Y/n responded. "What do you mean-"

"I LOST IT! Oh, I'm so gonna be fired. Ms. Mio, I'veonlybeenhereforthreeweeksandI-"

"Hana! I- ugh." Y/n paused, trying to collect her thoughts. "I need you to explain to me what happened- what did you lose?"

A sniffle came from the other side of the phone, "All the notes and paper work for the meeting with the hero agency, I- I can't find them!"

"Okay, I'm heading over to the office. Can you check if they got finalized by another department?" She sighed.

"Yes ma'am! Thank you, I'll do that." Hana ended the call, cutting off her heavy breaths from the panic.

"Hahhh, it's always something with her." Instead of stress, Y/n felt rather calm. Maybe it was the fact that this is the third time Hana has lost something, then the moment Y/n gets there she finds it in the most open and understandable places. Reluctantly Y/n still finds the energy to finish getting ready and heads to the office.

Parking her car, she heads to the lobby of the office to be again greeted by her understudy. Hana's bangs were stuck to the side of her face, caused by the ongoing tears. Her makeup was a mess and snot was starting to run down her nose. "M-Ms. Mio..." she sniffed, lowering her head. "I-" Y/n grabbed a packet out of her bag. "I'm sorry Hana, I forgot the COO asked me to finalize it. Since the other departments are behind right now." Hana paused assessing the situation, "Really?"

"Really. It wasn't your fault, you're not going to get fired." Y/n smiled. Happy, Hana gave Y/n a hug still crying. "Okay, okay. Get washed up and meet me in the discussion room, and no more crying." Y/n's personality changed to her business self, leaving no ounce of emotion left on her face.

"Yes ma'am" Hana bowed, and left to fix herself.

Y/n continued on to the meeting that was to be held in an hour, as she entered the room she set up the presentation form at each seat. She checked if the water machine was filled and the cups restocked. Finishing all the chores in the room, she sat down to analyze the paper work and documents that caused the overbearing amount of stress earlier.

This meeting was to be held with the number one hero's agency, their old insurance company- along with many others, was filed with injustice and wrongful termination of many different clients. Not only that but they were shady, they tried to cover it up but multiple different witnesses testified, when one client sued them.

"To think that even the No. 1 hero had that insurance company and never knew anything." She chuckled, "Goes to show how hell bent they are about money and fame." The door opened to reveal Hana, with a fresh face and a pad of notes for the meeting. "Ms. Mio, the pro hero and his agency will be here shortly." She bowed.

"Yes, thank you Hana." She smiled. "I'm going to freshen up in the bathroom real quick, I shouldn't be long." Y/n headed towards the ladies room located across the building. Coming near the door of the restroom, Y/n's eyes laid on a fancy black SUV that pulled up to the front of the company. A pair of forest green eyes and fluffy dark green hair to match, arose from the car.


Fluffy hair.

Rich green eyes.

And four pretty freckles on each cheek.

Her mind flashed to her lustful dream. Her clawing the counter in pleasure, him thrusting into her harder then the last. The realistic pain of him biting every part of her body, and putting hickies all over her neck.

holy shit... HOLY SHIT!

Y/n rushed into the bathroom, looking at her appearance in the mirror. Her cheeks ran red with blush, her breathing fastened.

There's no way- how. Ugh!

She splashed cold water over her face, washed her hands, and dried off. She collected herself and took a deep breathe in... and out.

This is work, I won't allow myself to go crazy over nothing.

Y/n returned to the meeting room, and emerged herself in the information. As the agency walked in, she started the meeting with all the information needed for the agency and ended it with a closed deal. Everyone stood up and bowed to each other as the agency left the meeting room. But as Y/n was seeing off the hero agency's employees, she felt someone's eyes linger on her. Reaching the end of the long line of people from the hero agency, the last hesitated and spoke.

"Y/n, Was it?" He walked toward her, "Thank you for the meeting, your skills in- not only negotiating but communication is outstanding. I would love to work with you more." His voice echoed through her mind, she rose her head and locked eyes with him.

It was the No.1 hero "Deku", also the same person that she had a sex dream about just this morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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