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//Toya's Perspective

Several years prior to the present, around the time Ena died.

Toya had lived a luxurious lifestyle. He was the first prince of his kingdom, however he was an embarrassment to his father. Toya had a big heart, and a frail body. He was their only son, so his father grew discouraged. To survive in such a kingdom, you had be ruthless and strong. Toya as a young boy, was neither of those things. His melody was that of a silent violin that had been overplayed by the wind.

His mother at the time, was different. She had hopes in Toya and helped him grow. She had a big heart as well, but she was good at hiding it. Her husband would never know the capacity at which she loved him, as such was forbidden. To this kingdom 'love' and 'family' had only existed for appearances. To actual love someone was an act of treason, as it was a sign of weakness.

The king, or rather Toya's father, couldn't understand why his child had cared so much. To him everyone felt nothing, so how come this boy would be different? He never considered how remarkable his son was for shouldering his expectations. Anyone else would've given up, but Toya remained strong. Toya's father got into a meaningless argument with his mother, and he sent Toya and his mother to visit the rival kingdom. He wanted Toya to 'toughen up' at the sight of war, and he wanted distance from his wife.

Toya felt excited to see the new land, however upon arriving he clung to his mother. The kingdom had been on the verge of being defeated. Toya saw the small king of this kingdom. He was shaking and afraid. Toya watched as another small boy protected him. Toya felt inspired by this act of courageousness. He wanted to know the boy who had protected the king. However before he could make it he had been attacked by one of his own soldiers.

His mother watched in horror as Toya had been badly injured. The soldier didn't know that Toya was the prince, as Toya showed too much emotion. He didn't fit that category. After he thought he finished off Toya, he went off to his mother. Toya shut his eyes tight. The merciless soldier walked away after killing Toya's mother, the only person who cared for him.

Toya cried as clung to his mother's corpse. "Is it possible to fly away to a whole new world on a magical carpet?" Toya asked, holding the unresponsive body of his mother. He looked around and cried for help. "Someone..! Help..!" Toya had some serious injuries himself, he prayed for a hero to save him. One like he saw. His body was trembling as he bleed out. He blearily watched as several knights walked past him. He couldn't understand why they wouldn't help him. Knights were supposed to be the good guys, right? He reached his hand out, realizing that nothing was within his reach. He watched as his world crumbled in pieces as his consciousness faded away.

Toya squinted his eyes. He awoke to a dark room. He tried to speak, but his throat shut tight, he tried to move but his small body fell paralyzed. He awoke to a girl by his side. She emptily stared at him. She was taller, but she was younger than him. "So you are alive... They were all saying you died, they even held a funeral for you." She said as Toya's father walked in. His face hadn't changed. "You were in a coma for three months." He said as crossed his arms.

"Your mother is dead, so I had to replace her." A woman walked in and put her arm around his father's neck, to Toya's shock. His father put his arm on the girl's shoulder that had been beside him at the bed. Toya remained silent. "And this girl is your replacement, Toya." He said as he narrowed his eyes. Toya's small body jolted up, as his eyes widened in horror. "Did we really... Mean nothing to you..?" Toya asked as his voice broke. Toya heard the woman laugh, as the girl looked to the side.

"You can't be serious, we let you live and you're still ungrateful?" The woman said as she caressed Toya's father's cheek. Toya could barely grapple with the situation that laid at his feet. He remembered the knights that walked away from him. He felt a growing resentment concur within his chest. Toya stood up, moving a curtain, He desperately wanted to see the sunrise after the dark night, however all that could be seen was a plate of obsidian. Toya feel to the ground,

He felt his breathing increase in speed, and tears poor down his fragile face. His small body trembled as the river of his tears poured. He felt the cold hands of the girl touch his back. She smiled, "Just smile, it's not hard." She whispered in his ear. Maybe this was to protect him from the wrath of their parents..? Well, regardless of the reason, Toya couldn't control his emotions. After that day, he promised himself that he'd never show his emotions again.

He really thought he'd never feel again, the kingdom thought their prince had passed. Despite that being false, a part of Toya died that day. His innocence. Several years have passed since then, and Toya couldn't help but smile as he recalled it. As messed up as the situation was, he couldn't believe his own stupidity. Ironically it was Akito who stole Toya's broken heart and mended it. Toya couldn't believe how easily he was able to show his emotions to Akito, a knight,

That girl was Mafuyu, and Toya grew attached to her. She seemed emotionless and cold, however Toya looked up to her. She was everything that his parents could ever dream for. Toya wondered if that pressure ever became crushing. He would offer small acts of compassion toward her. Like making her tea when he could sense she was tired, or patting her on the back when she did a good job. Mafuyu never showed it, but she, deep down somewhere within her frozen over heart, appreciated Toya.

Presently, Toya found himself sneaking out. He traversed around the ongoing warfare. He knew where Akito would be, by his king's side. Toya knew it was dangerous, however the frustration of his parents unchanging will had driven him forward. He wanted to see Akito. No, he needed to. He was determined to see the man of his dreams.

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