//Toya Perspective

Toya's heart couldn't bare to see Akito like that. The confident and diligent knight that graveled on the floor. It made Toya angry. Akito should never have to wear a face like that... Toya clenched his fist as slipped out of the scene. It took skill to move fast and not make any noise, as the flooring outside Akito's house hade been brick. Everything in this kingdom had been connected... Toya's kingdom was different. He closed his eyes and continued on.

He arrived at a stand still where a guard stood. He hid behind a wall and checked his surroundings. Finding nowhere to escape, he had to go forward. He walked out of the shadows, revealing himself to the onlooking guard. He prepared to battle. "Hey! Uhh, random person..!" She yelled. Toya was surprised at her lack of hostility. Did Akito not tell them about him..? Toya sighed in relief. The guard smiled at Toya, demonstrating trust. Toya didn't understand, he had never seen this person before. "You came from the west, so that must mean you came from Akito's house." She said as she bumped him in the shoulder.

It seemed that Akito had quite the reputation... Was he really prepared to throw that all away for Toya..? "So, you a new friend of his, you don't talk much... I'm An I've known him since we were kids! Hey, you're pretty cute..." This guard wouldn't shut up. She seemed energetic... "I was just visiting." Toya said softly blushing. An crossed her arms in suspicion. "Y'know guys like you are hard to find around here... Like handsome ones... There are a couple, like Akito and the king..." An rambled. Toya's eyes widened. He recalled An said that she had known Akito ever since childhood... Could that mean she had a crush on him..? Toya glared at her.

An didn't seem to notice. "Haha, I'm just playing with you, I can tell by your demeanor you're not interested." She said with a smirk. Toya was shocked at the revelation that she was hitting on him, not professing her love for Akito. Toya cleared his throat at the misunderstanding. "Forgive me, I am taken..." He said awkwardly. An laughed. "You're quite the charmer aren't ya..?" An sighed, Toya noticed she had been drinking. That explains her over-activeness. Toya patted her back awkwardly. An wailed. "It's been a tough day, huh?" Toya asked as he wondered why she was drinking on duty...

"Wahh, it's just not fair... He is just a whole different breed than me..." An said with a sigh. Toya turned his head toward her in confusion. "I'm sure you've heard of his skill. Everyone constantly talks about it... Gahh stupid Akito..!" She said as she downed more alcohol. That couldn't be healthy... "Gwah, we even had the same mentor, my old man... Not his. And yet, I still fall behind because of his talent." An rolled her eyes. Toya began to walk away, no longer concerned. An tugged on his shirt. "Where are ya going?" She asked. Toya glared at her. "Akito's 'talent' comes from hard work and practice... Not sitting around and drinking on duty putting other's at risk... The fact that you'd even compare yourself to him is ridiculous." Toya said, angry at her audacity. An looked shocked as she let go of his shirt.

Toya didn't care, he had heard enough. He couldn't understand why Akito was friends with someone like that... Well, she was drunk.., but still. She completely overlooked his constant efforts to improve. Despite the negative experience, the encounter made Toya excited to meet the people in Akito's life. That would have to come after the war... Oh, right. The war. It had just been declared, so both sides were preparing for battle. Neither had attacked yet, likely because Toya wasn't there. Toya knew what he had to do. He was going to tell the world who he was, and end this war.

//Akito's Perspective

I felt my body collapse. My arms hit the ground and my head nearly planted in it. My body trembled as I grappled with the situation. Sweat dripped down from my forehead. I buried my fingers into the wooden floor creating a screeching sound. The pain of the floor's blisters had only distracted me from the black hole that swelled in my chest. My door swung open. "Akito..! An isn't doing well, she needs your help.!" A soft voice echoed. Her words went in one ear and out the other. She ran over to me and began to shake me. "Akito..! Please... She went into shock! She won't say anything!" Kohanepleaded, as she pulled me out of my trance.

My eyes widened as I pulled on Kohane's shirt. "Take me to her..." I said my eyes empty and cold. Kohane slowly nodded before quickly taking my hand and running out my door. My fingers ached. Kohane seemed desperate with every step she took. We ran out to the east, until we stumbled upon An. She was still, drool dripped down her chin. "A-Akito..?" She stumbled, her face unchanged. Akito looked around and noticed three bottles of alcohol by An's side. "An..!" Kohane yelped as she covered her mouth. "I give up..! He was right..." An muttered as she trembled. "What..?" I felt my body move forward as I realized what she was saying.

My hand swung without my command. "Get yourself together! Do you think this is how Ken would've wanted things to go..!?" I yelled as my hand slapped her. "You may not be me, but that doesn't mean so many people don't look up to you! You are An of the Kingdom of Knights! Never forget that!" I said my voice started to give in. An shook her head. "Name one person..! I'm a nobody compared to you! Why am I even doing this!? Do you think dad wanted me to die just like him!? Forgotten on the battlefield field!? Another number on a statistic!?" An trembled. Kohane's eyes softened.

"I do..! I look up to you!" Kohane said as tears formed in her brown eyes. An and I looked at her in shock. I smiled after the intial shock washed over. "So, please... If nothing else, keep fighting for me!" Kohane said as she embraced An. An stood still. Tears poured out her dry eyes. She yelped in pain. It seemed the alcohol had worn off. "Kohane..! How could you... You barely know..." An questioned as she was cut off. "I have always been watching you from a distance... I always thought about how strong you were... I wouldn't know how to feel if I lost my dad! But you still kept fighting on! That's the An I've always known! The one who never gives up, no matter the circumstances..!" Kohane said tightening her grip on An.

I sighed as the cried in each other's arms. "Now that that's over... Promise me something, An." I said to no reply. "You owe Ken an apology. However words alone won't do, you need to prove yourself. So, let's win this war, and then you can face him!" I said as I narrowed my eyes. "You can't..." Kohane was cut off. "Deal, I think I'm overdue a visit anyway." An said as she chocked on her tears. I turned around and walked toward my home. I was going to change into my proper knight attire. It's time we go to war, unfortunately. I decided to put my feelings for Toya aside, and prepare for the battle ahead.

//Toya's Perspective

Toya walked into his kingdom, dark and lonely. Everyone stayed in their homes until midnight. Midnight was the only time when commoners were permitted leisure. Some of the places royal servants collected him, he was brought to the princess, by her request. "You're lucky they aren't allowed to ask questions." Mafuyu said as she stepped on a rose. She buried it under her foot, which crushed it. Toya pushed the servants aside, to their hesitation. "Let go of me at once." Toya commanded, to no avail. Toya had to break free by way of force then. His eyes narrowed as he flipped over the servants.

With not a single sound he appeared behind them. He took his hand and hit the pressure points of the servants. He rendered them paralyzed as he walked in front of them. He stomped his foot down. "You will listen to your prince, the heir to the throne." Toya said to their shock. Not one of them could move. "Toya! You idiot... What are you planning to do by outing yourself anyways!?" Mafuyu angrily clenched her fists, unintentionally confirming Toya's claim. "I want to end this war." Toya said, a cold glimmer accompanied his gaze. Mafuyu laughed. "You think you could possibly challenge our parents decision!?" She smiled as she walked toward the fallen servants.

She took a knife out of her dark cloak and killed all of them, except one. "Such easily paralyzed soldiers would only hold us back." Mafuyu said with a cold expression on her face. Toya merely closed his eyes in shame. Toya was used to the violence. "You want the world to know who you are, right? I'll let you live for that purpose." Mafuyu said, slightly amused. "I'd like to see you try." Mafuyu said as she walked off and out of the room. The servant that was kept alive scurried out of the room at Toya's gaze. He felt saddened. "Your lives are but a small fraction of the ones to be lost. I'm sorry." Toya said as he placed a flower by their bodies.

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