"girl calm down yo ass started bleeding this week now you gotta problem with everything and everyone get yo tampon outta twist." another girl mugged.

desiree opened her bag and placed it on the counter and shuffled her way to the pantry.

"I'm just saying it's disrespectful a little, walking into a room and not greeting guests. like what" the girl continued.

"girl bye if she doesn't wanna speak she isn't obligated to you moving weird right now." a boy said

"ight bra. all I did was state my opinion you know what I'll introduce myself." the girl said making her way up to desiree who was now holding some oreos, hot fries, some gummy worms, skittles, cheese its, and some fruit roll ups.

"hey i'm Nicki, nice to meet you." she smiled holding out her hand.

desiree smiled she had been practicing saying hello my name is desiree for weeks and she wanted to see if her hard work paid off.

"he-hello my name is desiree, n-n-nice to me-mee-meet you." she said as everyone looked at her in awe.

"who yo kin?" nicki asked as desiree placed her things on the counter.

"eveyone who lives here." she signed before walking over to the fridge.

"why are you using sigh language if you can speak.." nicki said lifting an eyebrow.

"because she can the fuck. don't ask my cousins no more fucking questions. who let you in my house anyway. bitch leave." destiny said coming into the kitchen on hots.

"oh destiny please. ion got no beef with you and you know it. we already talked about our issues and moved past it! I wasn't even being rude I simply just asked a couple questions you know I love a good question." she defends herself looking at destiny who just rolled her eyes.

"ion give a fuck i'm on ten bout my cousin always." she said helping desiree pack her things up.

both girls left the kitchen and entered the living room where more people sat.

"party or something?" desiree signed looking at destiny.

"no baby it's friday we hosting a get together for friends and friends of friends. its our week and since we have been dissing them to hang with you we had to do it." she said making desiree nod.

that was cool and all but she still wanted to skip out and go to the park and be by herself for a bit. she hasn't really been alone since she dropped in north carolina.

there has always been someone close or near by but she wanted a little time to herself. she was on her healing journey and getting to know herself and a good bit of that time is spent alone.

her peace is one of the biggest things she is working towards right now but finding what keeps her at ease is what really is driving her.

"going to the park for a bit to read" she signed before hugging destiny.

desiree walked over to meer who was actively talking to someone. he halted his convo to speak. "i'm leaving to go to the park use that facetime thing to call if you need anything." she signed.

he nodded and hugged her before she walked out of the house.

tossing her light bag over her shoulder she pulled her iPhone 13 pro max out her pocket examining what little notifications she had.

she still wasn't familiar with the whole social media thing. she was really only in tune with snapchat because that's what was popular when she was around. she doesn't even have an instagram or anything just snapchat.

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