Matt Murdock and Avengers, identity reveal #2

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"Daredevil, you gotta come over to the tower for movie night," Clint whined. The Avengers had all been trying to convince the vigilante to come over for their ritual movie night after a large battle ever since they had met the devil-themed hero.
"Are you guys ever going to leave me alone about this?" Matt asked.
"Nope," Tony said, "you might as well just get it over with."
"Seriously?" Steve asked, surprised that the man was finally agreeing.
"On three conditions. One, I keep my mask on. Two, not trying to figure out my identity. Three, someone has to give me a ride 'cause I don't know how to get to the tower." Matt said.
"Deal," Natasha said, "I'll give you a ride on my motorcycle."
Within a matter of moments, everyone had either taken off or started driving, leaving Natasha and Daredevil alone.
"You know, you don't have to do this if you really don't want to," Natasha said.
"Yeah, but you know as well as I do that they'll never leave me alone about it." Daredevil said with a chuckle, getting onto the motorcycle behind Nat and wrapping his arms around her stomach as she started driving.
When they arrived at the tower, the rest of the Avengers were already in the common area arguing over which movie to watch.
"Guys, why don't we let Daredevil choose? Since it's his first time watching a movie with us?" Bruce suggested. Everyone quickly agreed and turned to the elevator as it dinged and opened to reveal Nat and Daredevil.
"What movie do you want to watch, DD?" Tony asked, flopping back onto the couch.
"Um... I don't really care. I don't watch movies very often." Daredevil said.
"Come on, you have to know the title of at least one movie. We've watched everything from Snow White to IT. Choose a movie." Tony repeated.
"Uh-I guess The Princess Bride?" Daredevil suggested.
"That is one of, if not the, best movie of all time." Clint quickly agreed with his choice.
"Alright, JARVIS, pull it up," Tony said.
"Yes, Sir," JARVIS said, making Daredevil jump and focus his senses, trying to figure out where the voice came from.
"Oh, sorry Daredevil, Tony forgot to mention JARVIS, didn't he? JARVIS is the AI in the building, so he speaks over the speakers and he is tied into almost everything." Bruce explained, helping Daredevil to relax fractionally.
"That makes sense." Daredevil said before being pulled over to the couch by Clint, who quickly curled up into Daredevil's side.
"You are now my pillow," Clint informed him as the movie started.
As the story developed, Daredevil found himself confused. Most of the actors had very distinguishable voices, but now the Spaniard, who he had thought was named Vizzini was drunk and waiting for himself. And the man in black was apparently not dead yet, but he remembered the Spaniard saying that he was. Needless to say, the visuals were probably helpful.
"You good, DD?" Clint asked quietly.
"Yeah, just having some trouble following the story." Daredevil answered honestly.
"You're really not a movie guy, huh?"
"You're really tense. Relax, dude. Just enjoy the movie, no matter how confusing it is." Clint encouraged before falling silent again.
A few minutes later, Daredevil was even more confused. The man in black had returned, Buttercup was dead but still talking, and Prince Humperdinck was killing someone.
"Daredevil, are you sure you wanted to say yes to this?" Tony asked when he realized how uncomfortable the other man looked.
"No, in fact, I tried to tell you no many times!" Daredevil exclaimed.
"Well, what's wrong with it? You chose the movie." Tony said.
"I'm just confused. I don't think I have the right names for the characters in my head and I'm not following the story." Daredevil explained.
"Why not?" Bruce asked kindly. For a moment, Daredevil simply let his head fall back onto the back of the couch. After that moment had passed, he made a decision. He sat up and pulled off his mask.
His identity reveal was met with silence.
"Hi, I'm Matt Murdock. I'm 26 years old, and I'm a lawyer in Hell's Kitchen. I'm also completely blind, so this," Matt gestured vaguely to the screen, "is confusing."
More silence.
"How do you do it? Who trained you?" Natasha was the first to break the silence.
"My other senses are enhanced and I was trained as a teenager by a man named Stick."
"So... we should turn on audio descriptions, as well as keep the captions on, and start the movie over," Clint stated.
Matt was surprised by the acceptance of the man who was still leaning against him.
"I'm mostly deaf, DD, I'm not going to let somebody else with an impairment go without help if I can," Clint explained as JARVIS started the movie again. This time, however, Matt was able to keep up with the plot line for the most part. He was also given full permission to pause and ask for clarification at any point, which he took full advantage of.

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