Wilson Fisk/Matt Murdock, sensory overload

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"Matthew! Are you home?" Wilson called when he got back to their shared home.
He had spent the last day trying to solve a marketing problem that he shouldn't have had to deal with as the head of his company. Needless to say, he was upset and exhausted. However, he was less exhausted than his boyfriend, Matt, had been before he had left. Matt had been working nonstop for the last four days, and between his lawyer job and his daredevil patrolling, the younger man hadn't slept at all. Wilson was hoping that while he had been gone, his boyfriend had caught up on his sleep.
This hope was quickly crushed when he looked into their shared bedroom. The sheets on the bed were torn off and strewn about, the dresser drawers were all open and the clothing was thrown all over the room. He quickly moved to the bathroom, since it was the closest room in the house.
He suddenly froze. The bathroom floor and sink were covered in blood.
"Matthew!" Wilson called again, this time with fear and anger in his voice.
"W-Wilson?" Someone called from the shower.
"Matt?" Wilson asked more gently as he pulled back the shower curtain.
Sure enough, there was his boyfriend sitting in the tub.
"Hey," Matt whispered.
"What happened?" Wilson demanded, still checking the area for threats.
"Nothing it's fine," Matt said.
"The place is ransacked and there's blood everywhere," Wilson exclaimed.
"Shhh... too loud. It's all too loud," Matt whimpered.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Is there anyone else here?" Wilson asked quietly.
Matt shook his head and held out his hand toward Wilson.
"Ok, I'll get you to bed. It's going to be okay." Wilson said, gently lifting his boyfriend up out of the tub. Ignoring Matt's groans for a moment, he walked quickly to their shared bed and, after setting his boyfriend down, got the first aid kit.
"Stop," Matt said weakly.  No matter how weak it sounded, Wilson did stop.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Senses are out of whack.  Hit my head.  Too loud." Matt said in broken sentences, but Wilson understood.  When he started his relationship with Daredevil, there were a few things he did.  First, he forbade his operation from hurting the man.  Second, he had made sure that Matt was protected everywhere, except when he was patrolling (to Matt's knowledge).  Third, he had done research on blind people and people with extremely strong senses.
The third had led him to discover an occurrence called 'sensory overload'.  That is what was happening now.
"What can I do?" Wilson all but whispered.
"Blood too strong," Matt said.
"Alright." Wilson carried Matt into a different bathroom than he had been in previously and set him down on the toilet seat.  Wilson began to undress himself down to his underwear, and then undress Matt all the way.  Wilson stepped into the bathtub with Matt supported in his arms and turned on the shower head to clean the blood off of his boyfriend.
Matt whimpered when the water hit his skin, leaning further into his boyfriend to try and get away from the water, and Wilson gently 'shh'ed him.
"It's only going to be for a few minutes, Matthew, hold on," Wilson said as he quickly and gently wiped his boyfriend down and got the blood all rinsed off of his body.  As soon as he could, Wilson turned the water off and gently dried them both off before returning to the bedroom.  He quickly removed the sheets from the bed and put them in the bathroom with the rest of the bloodied garments.
"I've got to do first aid on you, Matthew.  I'll be quick but I need you to hold on." Wilson said, quickly setting to work to stitch the few cuts that needed it, bandaged what was required, and put a cream on his bruises, while Matt did his best to hold still.
"Done," Wilson said as soon as he could, and Matt began to tremble again, "what happened?"
"Fight went wrong.  Hit head.  Cuddle?" was Matt's response.
"Of course," Wilson said, chuckling gently as he grabbed a soft blanket that Matt had previously declared 'cuddle worthy' and wrapped it around both him and his boyfriend.  Wilson gently put one of his huge hands around Matt's waist to hold him against him and used the other hand to cover one of Matt's ears and press the other into his chest, so that Matt could hear Wilson's heartbeat.
After some time, long enough that Wilson's foot had fallen asleep but not long enough to be stiff from the awkward position that he had taken to make Matt more comfortable, Matt shifted in his arms.
"Wilson?" Matt asked.
"Yes, Matthew?" Wilson answered.
"Thank you," Matt said quietly.
"Of course.  It's part of the responsibility that I chose when we started this all." Wilson assured his younger counterpart.
"You didn't have to," Matt muttered.
"Didn't have to... what?" Wilson asked, confused.
"Help me.  Like me.  Let me move in." Matt listed.
"Did something happen tonight that's causing all of this?  You know that I am happy with my choice to be with you, in every way." Wilson said.
"I just... weren't you supposed to be at a meeting?" Matt asked, trying to change the subject without answering.
"Yes.  I had the meeting, and then another, and then another, and then I solved the problem.  You, on the other hand, were supposed to stay home and catch up on sleep." Wilson chastised.
"I did!  But then I had a nightmare and only ended up sleeping for about half an hour before I had to get out and move.  So I went on patrol.  But I was tired and hungry and distracted, so I wasn't paying attention and I got jumped.  I barely got away." Matt added the last piece in a whisper.
"Well, I can fix the tired by us sleeping.  The distracted will be fixed mostly by that.  Why did you go out hungry?" Wilson asked.
"I just forget to eat sometimes," Matt answered.
"Alright.  So what's going to happen is this: I'm going to make food.  You're going to eat all of it.  Then we're both going to sleep and we're not getting up until either two days have passed or the building is on fire." Wilson said, helping Matt to his feet and gently supporting him as they walked to the kitchen to follow through with the plan.

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