Caught up in a war

Start from the beginning


Peter's mind:


All the children gathered round the table, other than Edmund of course who was sulking on the steps. Y/n brought him a drink, Edmund looked up shocked but smiled slightly. Y/n joined the others and sat next to Peter. Don't say anything she couldn't help herself. I personally don't blame her.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Mr Tumnus?" Peter asked as I handed him a drink. Mr Beaver was working on the fireplace.

"They would've taken him to the witches house" he said hyper-focused on the fireplace. Not the best house to have a fireplace in but I'm not one to judge.

"And you know what they say, there's few that go through them gates that come out again" These words saddened Lucy and Y/n. Lucy looked down at the fish and chips that was handed to her, she looked disgusted. Y/n quickly waved her hand and the plate of food changed to real food that Lucy would enjoy. Lucy smiled excitedly and started eating. Y/n just winked and carried on drinking not noticing that Peter was still admiring her. 

"There's hope dear" Mrs Beaver said comfortingly making Mr Beaver spit out his drink.

"Oh yeah there's a right bit more than hope" Mr Beaver edged closer and whispered.

"Aslan is on the move" This made the three children smile at his words while Y/n sat up in her seat not nervous but proud to know him. Edmund got up from the steps and walked towards the table.

"Whose Aslan?" He asked, Mr Beaver burst out laughing.

"Whose Aslan he says, you cheeky little plyter" Y/n knocked the table towards Mr Beaver and raised her eyebrows giving him a signal that Edmund was serious.

"You don't know do ya?" Mr Beaver asked.

"Well we haven't exactly been here very long" Peter replied. Mr Beaver stood up straight.

"Well he's only the King of the whole wood, the top geezer, the real king of Narnia." No reply from any of the children and Edmund went back to his steps to sulk some more. 

"Just ask the Princess she'll tell you everything!" Mr Beaver raised his drink to Y/n and all the children turned to look at her. She took a deep breath and looked at the children.

"He's been away for a long while-" Y/n began

"But he's just got back and he's waiting for you near the stone table" Mr Beaver interrupted. 

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asked

"You're blooming joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!" He shouted looking at Y/n and Mrs Beaver. 

"Look" Y/n took over 

"Aslan's return, Mr Tumnus arrest, the secret police. It's all happening because of you" I protested.

"Your blaming us?" Susan turned towards me Y/n instantly shook her head but before she could say anything Mrs Beaver said just the right thing.

"No, not blaming dear. Thanking!" Mrs Beaver pointed towards me to let me continue and all the children turned towards Y/n.

"There's a prophecy, when Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at cair paravel in throne. The evil time will be over and done."

"You know that doesn't really rhyme" Susan joked, Y/n laughed.

"Yeah I know it don't-" Mr Beaver started to get frustrated.

"Look you're kinda missing the point!" He shouted. Y/n took over once more.

"It has long been foretold that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia" Peter and Susan slowly look at each other with worry filling their faces. Peter turned to Y/n, he's concerned and frightened.

"And you think we're the ones?" Peter asked but before Y/n could get a word in Mr Beaver had his last straw.

"Well you better be cos Aslan's already fitted out your army!" He shouted

"Our army?" Lucy asked concerned and looked towards her brother for comfort but he could not provide none for he felt the same as her.

"Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war" Susan protested to Peter. He turned to Mr Beaver.

"I think you've made a mistake, we're not heroes!" These words upset Y/n.

"We're from Finchley!" Susan carried on, this confused the Beaver's and Y/n. Susan started to get up.

"Thank you for your hospitality but we really have to go!" Susan looked at Peter and he looked at Y/n. She didn't say anything but just grabbed his arm to make him stay put and he did so.

"You can't just leave!" Mr Beaver protested.

"He's right, we have to help Mr Tumnus" Lucy cried. Peter stood out and escaped Y/n's grasp which made all her attention turn to him.

"It's out of our hands!" He sternly said. Y/n looked at him but he didn't look back so she turned around and looked down at the table. Little did she knew as soon as she looked away Peter's eyes could not strain away from her any longer and he was feeling bad and wanted to say something. 

"I'm sorry, but it's time the four of us were getting home" Peter began to walk out which made Y/n stand up quickly to protest him to not leave. But when Peter and Susan turned to call Edmund, he wasn't there. Panic grew over the children and they realised he left the house long before they finished talking. Y/n stepped towards Peter and he turned his head towards her.

"I'm gonna kill him!" He shouted.

"You may not have too. Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?" Mr Beaver asked. Y/n grabbed Peter's arm once more and she could see the peace spread around his body.

"We'll find him" She said tightening her grip on Peter arm and he put his hand on hers. 

So much for it can't happen. 

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