Both ways

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We went into a huge room with bookshelf all around the room. Filled with more books I have ever seen. This must be the library. We stopped in our tracks.

"The storian is very confused of you, it can not choose a path for you." The school master said "The what?" I asked "The Storian is responsible for documenting all the stories and fairy tales that occur in both the enchanted and disenchanted worlds. The Storian has a will of its unknown and it can move freely in the air. It can create ink to write the stories and it can conjure books to hold the fairy tales." He explained and I nodded my head, at this point nothing sounds unreal. "You are telling that this ordinary girl has been chosen by the storian on the first day of the school year?" Lady lesso said raising an eyebrow "Not precisely. She was chosen before she got here." He corrected Lady Lesso and she rolled her eyes in return. "It seems to have hard time figuring if you are good or well evil" he explains "That's ridiculous, I could never be evil. I don't have the power to be a villain" I said. "The storian knows better than anyone, when it is written only the storian can change its course." He said and I scoffed "Besides you never know your future. So that's why I am rolling you in both schools." He said. Dovey had few words to say about this, but she stopped herself, Lesso on other hand did not. "This absurd. She obviously is good, she doesn't meed to come to my school and prove everyone that she better, because she is good, which she is not, no ever is better then never. It has a balance and what would the students think about this. My students will eat her alive there." Lesso said and I couldn't help, but feel a little unflattered. "This is not up to you Lady Lesso. It's the storian wish, would you like to objectify the storian" School master asked her, but she kept quiet. "Here's your schedule. Now I best be going." And he gave me a peace of paper and left.

I looked at both of the deans. "Look at the bright side it will be an adventure." Dovey said "There is no bright sides" Lesso said "I have things to do" she looked at me, before leaving. "Isn't she lovely?" Dovey asked with a sarcasm in her voice "The loveliest" I said. "Better get settled in your room."

So I did. To my surprise I had a room to myself. It was a lot smaller then the rooms where ladies shared, but it really wasn't a problem, it was still bigger then the room I had at Miss Peregrine. Peregrine. I should better write a letter.

Miss Peregrine.

I am writing for our daily check up. I hope you won't get bored of these, it makes me feel a lot closer to you.
It has been rather interesting day if I can say so myself. The storian, which is basically floating pen that writes fairytales, has started to write mine. It really is weird that it has a future for me, when I don't even know myself of what it is. But of course, there are always problems, it doesn't know weather I am good or evil or it does. We just don't know it yet, but let's be real, there's no chance I am evil, right?
Anyways, that's it for today. I know every single one of you is reading this so just so you know, I miss you already, even you grumpy pants. Oh, Clair there are wonderful dresses here, it's like a whole shop of them, I'll make sure to find some in your size. See you soon.

Love, Cassandra LeZarra

I smiled at myself. Better find a way to send this to them.

I wondered around the castle trying to find any way to send a letter. I saw a familiar face and decided to go up to him, he could know right?

"Hi, I'm Cassandra." I introduced myself "Gregor" he smiled "Do you by any chance know how to send a letter around this place?" I asked him. "Well you won't do it in the good castle. The evil one does the letter sending, Lady Lesso controls it." He said giving me a worried look "Oh, Thanks" I left before he could say another word.

I made my way towards the other school feeling a little nauseous. I entered and got disgusted looks from the never school. A wolf came up to me and grabbed me by the arm "Evers shouldn't be here." He said in a rough voice "Let go of me" I demanded him. He dragged me to an office, which I am guessing is lady Lessos. "Caught here sneaking around" he told the dean "I wasn't sneaking around" I corrected him. Lesso motioned with her hand and the wolf left.

"Now what a sweet treat I have caught." Lesso said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes "don't roll your eyes at me they might just happen to get stuck" she warned me, I let out a sight "I was told you could send my letter." I told her and she understood why I was here "Hm, that's right I can, but I won't." She said adjusting herself on her table. She crossed her legs. "Why not? It's your job!" I yelled out getting flustered. Her facial expression changed from teasing one to a mad one "My job is to send letters that school master has ordered to me, I don't have to send a whiny evers letter to her family" she mimicked me and came rather close to me, I stepped away from her, but ended making a statue of a crow fall down and smash as I bumped into a shelf.


I had bumped into a shelf making jars of hearts crashing down. I was talking to Hugh when he laughed to hard and his bees came straight towards me, I backed back a little bit, but it was enough for me to knock down Enoch's jars. Hugh quickly sucked he's bees back "He's gonna be mad" The boy said and I nodded. Olivia came in first and the Enoch. "Oh how nice. Came here to ruin anything else by any chance, will you make them love you and then leave, just like your parents?"  Enoch said taking his hearts and storming off.

I let out a sight. Olivia put a hand on my shoulder "He'll warm up to you. He just needs more time then the rest of us." The redhead said before following her friend.

I was still talking to Hugh, or rather I did the talking and he would not try to laugh so his bees wouldn't come flying out of his mouth. I guess I am that funny.

After few minutes Enoch came rushing towards me "You ruined good hearts. Do you have any good hearts to lend me?" He yelled "Now what is the matter with you two." Miss Peregrine said, letting her smoke come out. "I ruined his hearts" I said, the older woman raised her head "I'm sure we can get more." She said and Enoch stormed off "Don't be mad!" She called out to the boy.

"He hates me" I said "He doesn't, he just needs more time" she said "now why don't you use your gift to fix his hearts?" Alma said "I don't know how to control them. I could ruin them even more" I stated "There's nothing to ruin anymore, you can only make it better." She said "But-" I was cut off short "No buts! Now go. Tell me how it went" she smiled and I did so.

"I guess this makes up for my hearts" Enoch said while we both looked at the working puppets. "I wasn't sure I could fix your hearts, but I had to try." I explained him "I am glad you did, cause now you will reliving my hearts every time" he said and I chuckled "It will be my pleasure, mr grumpy pangs" this time he chuckled "Ikk! You made up!" Olivia said putting hands around both of our shoulders. "By the way, I have some pretty pair of gloves I could give you!"

End of flashback

I looked at the broken statue "Great! Fine Ill send it before you break more things." Lesso said snatching the letter out of my hands "thank you so much," I said making my way towards the door "Oh I will need you to send a letter each day!" I closed the door before she could objectify.

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