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It was late, past 11pm I think. I didn't check the time when I heard my parents screaming and demanding me to run. You see, we aren't normal family or whatever people think is normal, we are special. My mom has the power to bring anyone or anything back to life with just a touch, but my dad is the opposite of my mom, his touch kills. Over years they have learned to control it and when they had me, it didn't come to surprise as why I have both of my parents abilities. But I yet have not learned to control them, that's why I wear glows, so I don't kill no one or I don't bring to life something that isn't meant to be alive.

And as to why I am running is much harder story to tell. Hollowgasts are creepy, tall, near- faceless creatures. They do have a mouth, for them its really useful, for people like me- not so much. They feed of peculiar children eyes. My family has been studying them, they are sort of peculiar as well, they didn't always look like that, nor did they feed on children eyes. In 1908 there was an experiment that went wrong and that turned them in these creatures. Over years they have found a solution to look normal again and that solution, like I mentioned before are peculiar children eyes.
And now I am running away from one or two or more of them. I forgot to mention- they are invisible. Which gives them advantage.

I pulled my dress higher when I entered the forest next to my home. I tried to run as fast as possible, while trying to find a clearer path so I don't trip on roots of the trees, but with all my efforts I still ended up tripping.

I laid on the wet grass as I tried to spot any way to see where the creature is. I looked on the grass and I saw it footsteps. I slowly pulled my gloves off as I waited for the moment to strike, but the creature was no fool, he still managed to grab me by my leg from afar. I let out a scream, a scream that showed my surprise and fear at once. I quickly tried to find it body and when my hand met his naked part of the body, it dropped me to the ground. I quickly gathered myself, I looked down and saw his bodies silhouette in the grass. I carefully looked around for any signs that there might be more, but I ended up not finding none so I ran back to my home.

I entered the house trough the front door, everything was a mess. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled out. When I didn't get a reply I started to panic. I went looking them in every room, until I had to last to check- mine. I entered my room and I saw their lifeless bodies lying there. Their eyeballs gone. My emotions got the best of me and I let the tears fall. I wrapped my arms around their bodies while I sobbed, but doing so I found a letter in my moms hand. I took it and opened, seeing unfamiliar handwriting.

Dear Edward and Diana.
Everything has been good, nothing
to worry about. The children are happy and healthy, they do get in trouble a few times a week, but that's nothing new. Everything has settled back to normal after Victors death.
Congratulations on the baby, I am so happy for you two, you deserve this and more good things. I just hope someday I will have the chance to meet her.
Miss Peregrine

I finished reading it and I knew straight away what this is. Its a home for peculiar children, my parents told me about it. There are so few of those in the word and every one of them had a ymbryne. It's female peculiar who can transform into distinct birds, control and manipulate time as she sees fit.

I knew I wasn't safe here or anywhere alone. So I decided to go and look for Miss Peregrine. I packed some useful things things after burring my parents. And so I left. I let the few tear fall down my cheek as I remembered all the good times with my family.

Few weeks pasted and I had no idea where she could possibly be hiding. I was starting to lose hope, I checked all the palces my parents talked so highly of, but nothing.

I was walking by the beach when suddenly I was attacked, it came out of nowhere. I could feel his tentacles on my face coming closer and closer to my eyes. I failed to pull my gloves off and my panicking was not helping. I had already accepted my faith before a peregrine falcon came attack the visible creature and a big arrow came towards it. Again I was dropped to the ground.

I followed the falcon and watch it sit on a blonde girls shoulder. She was the one who shot at the creature. "Thank you" I thanked them. I got up and stood there awkwardly as they just looked at me. Then I remembered what I was doing here in the first place "Are you by any chance Miss Peregrine?" I asked looking at the falcon. The bird raised its wing and flew up before transforming into a beautiful woman. "And who might you be?" She asked "I- uh. Cassandra, Edwards and Dianas daughter" I explained and both woman looked surprised.

Miss Peregrine brought me in her house. "I have always wanted to meet you. You look so much like you parents" She said as I saw bunch of kids gathering around "Everyone meet Cassandra, Edwards and Dianas daughter" Peregrine introduced me and so did every kid themselves. Everyone looked so excited to meet me which only brought a smile to my face "They loved your parents. So tell me, how are they?" The older woman asked, at that question my smile dropped. She understood right away and came closer to me so she could give me a hug "It's alright dear. You can stay here" She said.

And that's how I have stayed 18 over 10 years. They were really welcoming at the start, which made me feel like at home. Miss Peregrine has been teaching me how to control my powers, I have gotten a lot better, but gloves are still needed.

"You have gotten a mail" Emma came running towards the tree I have climbed on. "From who?" I asked and she just smiled "Come look at it yourself" She said and started to clime down. I had to pull my seaweed coloured dress so it won't get stuck on branches.

Emma took my hand and pulled me towards the house, her moots making metal sound at each step she ran. We entered the living room and everyone was already gathered around the table looking at the envelope. "Cas, It's from sge!" Bronwyn said a little excited "Whos that?" I asked unfamiliar with that 'word' "Not who, but a what." Alma said letting the smoke come out of her mouth "The schools for good and evil. It's a place where every story unfolds" She started to explain "like the 'Jack and the Beanstalk' fairytale" Millard said "Your favourite." I said to prove that I do listen to what he says to me. "Wait so all those fairytales I read to them every night are real people and adventures that had happened?" I asked Miss Peregrine nodded "And they have given you a chance to study there, to keep the balance between good and evil." She explained "But I haven't stepped my foot out of here, I can't do it now, those creatures are still out there and-" I began, but Alma cut me off "You will be safe there, they can't reach you there" she comforted me, putting her hand on my back "But what about you guys? Will you be fine?" I asked and Peregrine just smiled "We will be fine my child. This is a huge opportunity." She said and I smiled "I will miss you guys!" I said turning to face them and they all got up and ran towards me, "writes to us all the times" Olive said "bring some pretty dresses back" Claire said a little shyly "Visit us whenever you can." Horace said "I will guys!" I told them "I love you!"

I was in my room packing my stuff when I heard someone enter, I turned to see Miss Peregrine " I brought you this." She said giving me a photo album "There's pictures of us and some pretty old ones with your parent before they left" she explained and I smiled "And a necklace" she gave me "Your necklace?" I asked surprised, she kept this necklace safe as it was a symbol of her abilities "So you can always remember us" she said and I teared up, I went to give her a hug which she returned. "Are you ready? The bird is about to arrive." I raised an eyebrow, a bird?

" I raised an eyebrow, a bird?

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