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Witney's pov
Today is the day we get to bring Ryan home. I am so excited. Both of our families are still in California. Mark said that he did the finishing touches on the nursery. So I can't wait to see everything done. Mark was there everyday before and after his practice. And during his live streams he would always talk about me and say that he loves me. I couldn't have done any better with him. He is the perfect guy for me.
Marks pov
I finished the nursery, went to see Witney, went to practice, and came back to Witney. It was a lot but it's all I had on my mind. Me and Witney will get married. Me and Witney have a little boy. It's so nice to say I'm a father. It is kind of weird cause the guys keep asking me if its hard but all I do is go to the hospital everyday. Practice was over, thank god I feel like it's been forever since I saw them. But my parents and her parents were checking in on her every 3 hours so I knew she was ok. I walk in to the hospital.
"Visiting times are over sir" a lady says
"No I'm here to see my wife and child, we are bringing him home tonight" I say back
"Yes as I said visiting times are over"
"My parents and step parents are up there"
"Im sorry sir, you can wait in the lobby but if this keeps up you will have to leave"
"Ok" I say sitting down. Not much later my mom walked in the lobby.
"Mark Alexander Ballas, what the hell are you doing down here" she screams. I just point to that lady. My mom walks over to her.
"Please let this poor guy see his soon to be wife.. He hasn't seen her all day, and I know she's the only thing on his mind right now" my mom pleads.
"Is she" the lady said looking at me.
"Is Witney the only thing on my mind, I can't even say a sentence without her in it anymore" I said.
"Ok go on up" she said. I sprinted to the elevator. I ran to her room and got there, to find Witney perfectly fine with her mom holding Ryan.
"Mark what took you so long, and you look like you just ran a marathon." Witney asked looking confused.
"If we ever have another kid, remind me to not come to this hospital." I said sitting down in the chair next to her bed. I grab her hand,
"You finally get to go home tonight baby" I whispered in her ear.
"I know I'm excited" she whispered back. I kiss her on the cheek. Then the doctor walked in with a gift to start taking care of a baby. We put Ryan in his carrier and put a blanket over his face. Paparazzi were crazy out there. We put him in the car and Witney sits in the back with him. I start to drive.
"You know what's weird Mark?" She asked me
"What" I answered confused.
"Well you know how people usually get gifts for your child, well I didn't get any, not one, you didn't even give me one" she said sad
"No one got you a gift huh, and my gift to you is Ryan"
"I guess you have a point, thanks for giving me the best gift ever... The perfect life"
We got to our apartment. I told Witney to open the door. She opened it and there was all her gifts that everyone got her.
"Mark omg there's so many" she said smiling.
"Don't tell me nobody got you a gift because everybody did" I said wrapping my arm around her.
"Ok I really want to see the nursery"
Witney's pov
I walked into the nursery, it looked so good. Mark did an amazing job. He walked in after me with Ryan in his arms. He walked past me and put him in his crib. He looked so gentle sleeping, so perfect. We leave a little light on in his room. Then walk out. Mark heads for the couch while I head to our room.
"Why are you going in there" Mark asked
"I need a bed, a comfy one not a thin mattress"
"Do you need someone to cuddle with too" Mark said with puppy dog eyes.
"Yes" I said back copying his face he made.
We go into our bedroom and lay down.
"Ah finally a soft bed" I say
"Ah finally have my girl back" Mark said. I cuddled into his chest. I fell asleep very easily. Then I woke up to Mark not there. I got out of bed. I think I heard him in Ryan's room. He was sitting in the rocking chair with him in his arms.
"I can't believe you sleep through his whining all night" he said looking at me.
"He's woken up more than once" I say surprised.
"This is the 4th time I've been up" he says
"Wow sorry, you should've woke me up, I could have taken care of him" I say back.
"That was defiantly the last thing on the list of things I could do" Mark said getting up. He put Ryan back in him crib walked over to me. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He laid me down and started kissing me.
"I love you"
"I love you too" I respond

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