5|| Dorm Gossip

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GW (Ginny)

I feel so bad for Mione, every time Stupid Draco ruins her heart, is he OBLIVIOUS? Ugh, Boys. Mione finally spoke, "I just thought-- maybe Draco  and I-- we could-- have something-- have a chance..." a tear rolled down her cheek. She was heartbroken 💔💔💔and I could barely help. After about another 30 minutes of Hermione's sobbing,  we were back to our normal happy duo. "So how are you and Blaise?" Hermione asked.

"AMAZING, that's why I came to look for you-- Blaise asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squealed.

"OMG, that's awesome! Congratulations!" She smiled.

"So Mione, have you ever thought of maybe trying to date a guy? What if you find someone better than Draco?" I suggested hopefully.

"Actually, I was just about to bring that up. I want to try it. There's no way I'm wasting my life throwing it out the window for Draco." She said with a smile.

" OMG, perfect! There's an all-house party coming up, maybe you could meet someone there and have at it?" I said.

"Great," she agreed.

And we spent the rest of the time planning for the party and having a bit of gossip. 

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