1|| Anastasia

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I picked up my trunk and slid into the first compartment of the left -- our compartment. Hermione was in there combing her hair. "Hey there," I said... "Hi! I've missed you!" she ran to me and hugged me -- she'd never hugged me like that before. I just hugged her back, and sat down. She filled me in on her summer and how she had made plans for her 17th birthday, (mine had passed already). Hogwarts had, for some reason, extended to when you are 19. We kept chatting and then--- Someone had opened the trolley. Anastasia Evergreen, a legit goddess-- I had been crushing on her for years. The way she'd put her hair into 2 adorable braids, the way she was wearing skirt overalls with a dark green sweater underneath, the way she smiled at anyone she'd see. "Oops, I'm so sorry, I thought this compartment was empty, " Her angelic voice said nearly swooping me off my posture. "Oh it's fine, see you at school--" Hermione started. That girl, ugh. I interjected, "Oh Hermione, what is wrong with you- you must be ill, we'd love to have you sit with us!" She frowned at me, but I was about to sit next to my crush, the prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts! -- Could you blame me? Anastasia smiled, "Aww, thank you, you both are so sweet. " My heart singsonged at that-- "Oh Flay-Flay , come in!" Oh no, I was about to sit with my crush and her date. Flay Violtris, the guy that stole my Anastasia. He walked in and sat down, "Flay,  Violtris." "Hermione Granger, pleased to meet you." "Draco. Malfoy," I muttered. "Ana, sit down darling." "Oh Flay, there's no space -- you sit instead dear." Then Flay sat down, picked her up and put her on his lap. She pecked his cheek and my heart BURNED. She kissed his cheek and continued to sit on him, acting like what they were doing was completely normal. I could see his hand lingering near hers, and I felt like punching that brute. Finally the train had stopped and I rushed out before Anastasia could see my tears, why was life so hard?


He won't ever see me as more than a friend, will he? The whole train ride he was staring at her. The whole ride. When she entered, his eyes had glistened with sparkles. He immediately cut me off, made me look like a slave and went about inviting Anastasia without my consent! When he saw Flay his jaws clenched. When he looked at ME, his expression would always be bland. Was I bland? Was I not spicy and peppery like Anastasia? Is it my fault? Finally the train had stopped and I rushed out before Draco could see my tears, why was life so hard?


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