Partner Puppet - Part 1

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This is just an episode plot idea that I had after finishing watching all of the Helluva Boss episodes so far. Striker and Blitzo's interactions were really fascinating to watch, and I think that those two characters play off each other really well! I just wondered ... if Striker really wanted a partnership with Blitzo, how far would he go to get it?

My idea is for a two-parter episode: called Partner Puppet. This chapter holds Part 1. All the credit for Helluva Boss and its characters goes to its creator: Vivziepop! I just own this episode idea, lol! Hope that you guys like it! 👍


Episode Plotlines:

- It all starts in Andrealphus's mansion, in a secret room.

- The room itself has no windows, and is lined on all sides by shelves of expensive objects and magical artefacts.

- Andrealphus himself, his sister Stella, and Striker ... are having a secret meeting in said room.

- Stella is shrieking with rage, and belittling Striker for his failure to maim and keep Stolas captive.

- Andrealphus is looking bored, and rolling his eyes at his sister's rants.

- Striker is seemingly respectful and silent, taking his employer's criticism ... though his mouth twerks at one end, in utter contempt.

- Andrealphus then points out that it would be pointless to go after Stolas so soon, because the Prince would be on his guard now.

- Even badly hurt, Stolas is not to be trifled with ... and Andrealphus knows it.

- Stella's eyes bulge with ill temper, and she goes off on another rant about how she wants Stolas to really suffer!

- Striker just huffs in boredom, and turns his gaze to look at the shelves around him instead.

- The assassin's gaze eventually settles on a glass cases with two golden amulets inside.

- The amulets themselves are made out of glowing gold, and have occult symbols carved on them.

- Striker smirks evilly, and asks for those amulets as payment.

- In return for them, he'll separate Stolas and his 'little love pet': Blitzo ... permanently.

- Stolas will be heartbroken by the loss, and Blitzo will be too.

- Stella perks up happily at this, and eagerly agrees to the deal.

- Andrealphus is a bit wary, but agrees nonetheless.

- Striker whistles happily as he strolls triumphantly out of the mansion.

- He gazes at the two golden amulets in the palm of his right hand ... and gloats to himself about an incoming 'partnership'.


- In Imp City, Blitzo and Loona are getting ready for bed.

- Loona is grumbling and ignoring Blitzo, as usual.

- Blitzo is stressing out over Stolas's kidnapping and injuries; and hoping that he'll be okay.

- His incessant and loud worrying goes on and on, until eventually getting a response from the now irritated Loona.

- She tells Blitzo that Stolas will be fine, he's a prince after all ... and to shut up and let her get to sleep.

- Blitzo sighs, then agrees and goes into his bedroom.

- Loona just huffs and goes into her own bedroom, carrying Stolas's grimoire with her.

- Unknown to them, Striker was perched outside the nearest window ... and had seen the whole interaction.

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