42 Part Two

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Authors Note: Thank you so much for being patient, I will be updating when I can, but the situation has been handled. A family member was in an accident but luckily, they were able to receive help and are now in the process of healing. This is going to be a short chapter, but I will be adding more content when I can. My birthday is tomorrow so I wanted to post something. 

The Doctor and Amand run to the room where a possessed Ashton was high jacking the keypads. 

"That's enough!" Amanda shouted at the possessed man. 

"What do you want? Why this ship? Tell me." the Doctor demanded, though he almost froze as Ashton decided that the only option left was to punch the keypad. 

Once he was done breaking the keypad, he strides to the Doctor. Amanda jumped on his back in hopes of stopping him from attacking the Doctor but was shoved by Ashton. Amanda harshly landed backwards but that did not stop her from trying to attack him. 

"Come on. Let's see you. I want to know what you really are." the Doctor ordered, trying to keep Ashton attentions on him and not Amanda. 

Ashton stands nose to nose with the Doctor, as Amanda struggles to push him back Ashton raises his hand to the visor before stopping. He then walks past the Doctor and Amanda, going back down the ship. The Doctor uses the moment to run over to the intercom as Amanda looks for Martha. 

"McDonnell? Ashton's heading in your direction. He's been infected, just like Korwin!" the Doctor warned the others. 

"Korwin's dead, Doctor." Scannell informed them as they moved over to the window. Amanda pressed herself at the window, watching Martha who was desperately trying to tell her something.

"Talk slower! I can't hear you." Amanda shouted slowly. Martha quickly nodding in understanding before slowly saying that they were stuck. Amanda looked at her alarmed before going to the keypad, hoping to somehow override the system but it was no use as it was completely destroyed. Amanda ran back to the window to tell Martha but before she could say anything the computer had an announcement.

"Airlock decompression completed. Jettisoning pod." It said as the escape pod set off, causing Amanda to scream in horror as her friend gets jetted off into space. 

"Doctor! Amanda!" Martha mouthed to them.

"I'll save you!" the Doctor shouted as Amanda tried to look brave for her. She knew that if Martha saw the panic look in her eyes, then she would lose hope. She then shouted, "We will get you back!"

"Amanda! Doctor!" Martha mouthed back.

"I'll save you!" the Doctor shouted again as he grabbed Amanda's hand, clutching it so that she knew that he would do anything to get Martha back. They saw that Martha mouthed something again yet this time it took Amanda a bit longer to understand.

"We'll get you back!" Amanda shouted as the pod leaves the side of the ship and floats towards the sun.

"Impact in seventeen oh five." the computer voiced, causing Amanda to kick the wall in frustration. She was close to a melt down and the timer was pissing her off. The Doctor was quick to pull her into a hug, hoping to calm her down a bit. Amanda slumped into his arms, finally letting her tears fall. The Doctor comforted her as she cried into his arms, letting all her emotions out before pulling away. "We have to save her Doc. We have to get her back." she pleaded, pulling on his chest, clutching the soft material. 

The Doctor was quick to smash the intercom button. "Scannell! I need a spacesuit in area seventeen now!" the Doctor demanded. Amanda was quick to shoot him a look as she let go of him. 

His Siren, Her Doctor: Am I Still Yours?Where stories live. Discover now