42 Part One

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The trio spent a few days in the Tardis, where Amanda was able to successfully avoid any questions about what had happened to her after being dropped off at Fraitaro. She was actually proud at her accomplishment and was also glad that the Tardis provided her enough tools to be able to upgrade her ring; giving it the necessary boost to be able to conceal her abilities and more. She even discovered a new door in her room, an office where she was free to write and practice her music in peace. 

Martha was often in her room, just to talk about things back on Earth or about some events that happened when she was Amora- when she was in her other body or to explore and hang out by the pond that was connected to her room. The Tardis even placed a door that connected their rooms together; making it even easier for them to hang out. Martha would often complain with a smile on her face that they had seen more than enough of each other back on the flat, but she truly loved being so close to her best friend, it honestly would have felt weird if Amanda wasn't right next door. 

"Do you miss it?" Martha asked once when they were floating on the pond, enjoying the tranquility that the area provided.

"Miss what?" Amanda questioned back as she looked up at the ceiling. The Tardis had projected a false Fraitaro sunny day, helping the Roiias relax. 

"Your other appearance. You used to look differently, and I imagine you acted differently too, right? Do you miss the old you?" Martha questioned her curiously. She often wondered a lot about Amanda's other self, the life she must have had. She wondered if they would have been friends back then, but she knew that they would have become friends no matter what, she felt it in her soul. 

This caused Amanda to freeze a bit before hesitantly answering, "I don't know. I relied heavily on a bracelet from back home to look human since I was unable to stay in a human form for more than a couple of seconds and now, I no longer need a bracelet to be in my human body. A body that is so different than what I was used to seeing every day. I went from looking in the mirror and seeing a girl with light blue eyes and brown hair to now having dark blue eyes and dark hair.". Amanda thought about her previous look, she could probably change forms if she practiced hard enough but going back to that appearance felt wrong to her. 

Amanda swam to the edge of the pond before seating, her feet still in the water

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Amanda swam to the edge of the pond before seating, her feet still in the water. Martha followed her actions.

"It's weird. I am Amora yet I don't really feel like the same person." Amanda tried to explain, trying to work through all the emotions that have been bothering her. "I am Amanda Reed yet I am also Amora Rey. A singer and a 'siren'. An alien turned human turned-"she paused before shaking her head. "It doesn't feel right. When I was 'Amora', I was just an outcasted alien hybrid who wanted to keep being 'normal' a bit while longer, I wanted to continue waking up in the morning and go to my classes or go to a shoot and come home to Jackie, who was waiting there with a cup of tea; ready to spill about our day and what gossip she was told by her friends. I wanted to continue listening to my friend Mickey talk about sports and random tidbits about computers while we went to the pub. Then I met the Doctor and Rose and all I wanted was to be with them forever, traveling the stars and having laughs." she recalled, her tone becoming distant as her thoughts trailed off. Memories played in front of her, all that warmth and love. It wasn't a perfect life but to her, it was. 

His Siren, Her Doctor: Am I Still Yours?Where stories live. Discover now