Chapter 16

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I saw Nanami's text that he would a dinner with his coworkers

I simply stayed in bed I then suddenly noticed it was getting late so I decided to track him down. I saw he was in a fancy restaurant

I immediately booked a reservation.

"Yes please prepare for my usual meal when I get there" I said with a smile while talking to my phone hearing the a very accommodating tone in the end

I am quite famous they give me special treatment since I give enormous tips. I'm richer than anyone else since I held the Zenin family riches

I am a much trusted heir than stupid Naoya. In this family they base on strength and skills. I surpass the whole family so I'm top. Until that old man dies I'm the head

I laughed at the thought having all those inheritance money. I wanted to buy a condo here in Japan but it's quite annoying since I'll just probably go back in America

I decided to wear one of my elegant black dress. Simply went there with my motorcycle. I wanted to impress his coworkers well also wanted to embarrass him

I went inside and guided me to a table behind him. I could see him slightly drinking his drink. He doesn't sense me. He must be drunk I quietly waited while peacefully eating my meal

I went to the bathroom

While I was at the stall I hear mutter

"Isn't Nanami so hot I can't handle it anymore. His slick back hair and his shirt. The buttons on his chest is holding for dear life"

"I know he looks so muscular but he doesn't seem to notice us. He might have a girlfriend."

"His girlfriend would probably be ugly he deserve so much better"

"ne how do you think. How long is he under the pants"

I couldn't help but cringe in disgust are they lusting over Nanami. I immediately left the bathroom stall and gave them a stare


"Emiko why are you here?" Nanami asked confused

"See! He calls you by your name you guys aren't dating!!!" one of them yelled

I immediately looked at his direction

Nanami was perplexed

"What is going on" he asked while holding my chin

"They have been speaking inappropriately about you I can't help but feel jealous"

I then look at the coworkers

"Is it bad for woman to be jealous??" I asked all of them agreed with red faces

The one who seem to be the boss

"I never expected that from you two! I'm very disappointed!" he yelled at the two woman in shock

"Nanami let's go home I don't feel safe" I said while holding his face

I grabbed his hand then pulled him outside. I smirked seeing the girls gazes. I can't help that my one of my closest friend is being disrespected by them

"I can't believe those are you-" I was cut off with his lips. Why is he kissing me

I could taste the alcohol in his mouth feeling shivers when he grabbed my waist. I placed my hands on his chest squeezing it as his kisses grew rough

Now that it hit me this man is drunk. The brain isn't functioning properly. I immediately detached from his grasp

I teleported us to his apartment

"Please can I kiss you more" my face flushed he then sat on the couch

"Nanami you are drunk. I can't do this with you" I said sharply he then pulled me towards him as I fell down on his lap. Now I'm sitting on his lap I nearly screamed when he graze his hands on my thighs

"I'm not drunk darling" he said I could smell the alcohol. I fiddled with his neck tie using it as a leash and pulled him closer

"Yes you are and it's time for bed" I whispered in his ear

"I don't want to sleep" he looked me in the eyes beggingly

He then pushed me down now he is straddling me

"You don't know how much I love you. When I first saw you I couldn't breath" he said lustful

I rolled my eyes feeling my cheeks burn red

"You were sick"

"And you took care of me now I want to return the favor" he groaned

Our lips were connected when I felt his body limp. Now a heavy man is suffocating me under his weight

I immediately pushed him away

"Did he just passed out!!" I yelled but he very much passed out

"I can't forgive him with all the teasing. You should have kissed me sooner. Now I have to drag your drunk ass"

And so I did luckily he didn't weight a thing. It felt like lifting a feather

"Is it because I'm the strongest? Haha no way... Of course it is hehehe" I talked to myself

I then sat beside the bed and saw Nanami. His face has so much wrinkles.

"Is it stress? Well good thing I never decided to get a proper job I look fresh" I said then suddenly leaned my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat

Haha why am I fooling myself I just want to feel his boobs. I can't believe it's larger than mine

I then fell asleep there despite it's one of hardest pillow I could ever imagine

I could feel him grumble

"My head hurts?" I went towards him his eyes stared into mine

"What happened?" he asked

"You Forgot!?"

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