Chapter 4

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I arrived the room. It looks like it was never cleaned. I swiped my fingers at the top of the shelf it was very dusty. My whole hand was covered in black texture of dust

"I'm sorry for the maintenance can not have the willpower to enter this room. A lot of people has been reported missing. Many people has also been avoiding it. This used to be a very popular inn but ever since the incidents no one has ever went except for you sorcerers but none ever lasted till sunrise. Please be careful" he said

"I'm not going to back down" I said to him without facing his direction. As he closed the door behind me.

I quickly casted a curtain surrounding the room to not let the curse out

I first took a shower. Apparently the water was quite sanitary to use. I then cleaned and dried my uniform since it was only set. I quickly change

I dried my hair as I casually brushed my locks not fearing for my life at all. I started good thing they sent me good food. Thinking as if this would be my last meal

I lay down the bed and started reading one of my books. 'Dance of thieves' it was really good passing time book. Flipping the pages until I was at the exciting part.

I felt something gripping on my bed

I checked my clock as I looked at the time. It was already 3am. I threw the book to safety

As I tried get out from its grasp. I effortlessly get of from its hold and jumped off the bed landing gracefully at the tiles

I suddenly winced noticing there was a wound near my calf. My leg was scratched from it's claws. I clicked my tongue in annoyance letting a filthy curse hurt me

I could fully see it now. There were arms coming out from the bed. It's as if the bed was cursed

"I'm sorry wife"

"I'm sorry sister"

Two voices male and female were echoing at the bed. Murmuring apoligies some words couldn't be understood any more

"Who are you talking about?" I asked as a high screeched echoed across the room. I covered my ears from the sound

My eyes open widely as I quickly dodged the attack. I saw a woman bleeding at her neck. Holding a wide chef's knife drenched with blood

"So she's the Main curse? She's fast must be a semi special grade curse. Her infusing her husband and his mistress into the bed and as curses. That's quite rare must have sorcerer ancestry" I stated

She screeched again. She quickly lounge her body towards me swinging her wide bladed knife. I quickly dodged chuckling at how frustrated she was from missing me

"Surprised? Apparently I'm one of the fastest sorcerers speed is one of my strengths" I chuckled she then continued swinging her knife moving place to place from me dodging her attacks

"Your so vengeful. How horrible can humans can get?" I sighed as I rake my hair revealing my bloody red eyes

I licked my lips. I know she can understand the words I say

"I guess that's why your husband replaced you to that girl you killed huh?" I was definitely rubbing salt on her wound. I wasn't playing anymore and get serious.

Using my cursed technique around the room

She screamed and run towards me but stopped mid way when she was cut into pieces

I bend over seeing her head still moving. I placed one of my fingers at her forehead. Excorcising her

The bed was suddenly shifted into normal. I took my book as I continued reading the last chapters.

I closed the book seeing a pool of blood in the sheets

"Holy shit I'm bleeding!" I yelled

"Ugh I forgot about this shit damn it what the fuck! How the fuck did I manage to read the book without realizing I'm fucking bleeding damn this shit" I groaned spilling colorful words

I opened the door revealing the owner who was waiting patiently at the door

"Your alive?" the old man asked surprised

"Oh yeah sorry kinds stained the bed" I casually apologized

"Thank you so much" the old man said while wiping his tears. He entered the room earlier not sensing any gloomy or hunted vibes

"The curse is gone boom that woman was messed up so badly" I complained

"Apparently it was the first incident until this happened. A wife caught one of her husband cheating on her at that exact room. She killed them and killed herself too" he explained

"Curses are born from human emotions and us sorcerers had to deal with it. Kinda annoying" I sighed

"I want to thank you for exorcising the curse is there anything I could do to repay you for your hard work" he said with a bright smile

"Don't give up on this hotel the thing you worked hard on building this establishment. It should not be wasted" I stated

"Those are some wise words. You seem to be speaking of personal experiences" he said I clenched my fist

"I don't like people who give up so easily. Especially when you worked so hard just to quit halfway" I spitefully spoke

"I'm going now old man. I need to get healed up" I said leaving

The old man stared at her retreating figure

"You seem to also harbor the same emotions as the cursed woman"

The old man stared at the woman walking away with a bleeding leg


"Shoko Chan! I need healing!"

I barges inside the clinic meeting eyes with another person in the room



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