|| 31. Back To Hogwarts (UN-EDITED)

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Amidst the greetings and introductions, Y/N's curiosity got the better of her as she inquired about two other familiar faces. "Where are Sophie and Seraphina?" she questioned, a note of puzzlement in her voice. Aurora's shoulders lifted in a nonchalant shrug, her expression conveying a sense of uncertainty.

"Those two... I don't know, actually. They said they had to talk about something back in the compartment, something private, they insisted," Aurora revealed, a mild sense of intrigue underpinning her words. 

With a sense of purpose, Y/N decided on their next course of action. "Let's get a carriage," she announced, a decisiveness in her tone that prompted Aurora to nod in agreement. 

"You coming, Dan?" Y/N queried. Dan's response came with a hint of astonishment, his mouth slightly agape as he voiced his incredulity. 

"You're inviting me?" he asked, his surprise evident in his expression.

 "Absolutely, why not?" she replied, her words laced with a sense of genuine friendliness. 

With a hesitant yet pleased smile, Dan accepted the invitation, a sense of inclusion washing over him as he followed the two girls, steps faltering slightly as he adjusted to this newfound connection. 


The wooden carriage rocked gently as it traversed the path. Inside, the atmosphere was lively and filled with the anticipation of shared moments. Sophie and Seraphina, their arms laden with an assortment of sweets and treats, navigated the confined space with an endearing clumsiness, their giggles punctuating the air.

Seated comfortably among them, Y/N's eyebrow arched inquisitively as Sophie broke the conversational ice. 

"So..." Sophie's voice was laced with a hint of mischief, her gaze shifting between her friends. "How's Hermione?" Her words hung in the air, casting a curious undertone over the carriage.

Y/N's deadpan response was swift and laced with a touch of dry humor. "What about Hermione?" she retorted, her tone carrying a note of feigned ignorance. Sophie, undeterred by the lack of a direct response, merely shrugged her shoulders in an act of playful nonchalance.

"Oh, nothing," Sophie drawled with a sly grin, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. Her attempt at veiled inquiry didn't go unnoticed, and Y/N responded with an unamused glare, a clear indication that Sophie's tactics hadn't slipped past her.

"Oh, Hermione Granger?" Dan's words held a note of curiosity, his attention piqued by the mention of a familiar name. The gazes of the four girls swiveled in his direction, their curiosity mirrored in their expressions. 

"I thought you two hated each other's guts? Always at each other's throats," Dan continued, his words tinged with a touch of good-natured amusement.

Y/N's nod confirmed Dan's observation, a wry smile curving her lips as she acknowledged, "Just some banter, that's all." Her words were accompanied by a subtle shrug, suggesting that their dynamic held more nuance than outright animosity.

"Suree— ow!" Sophie's playful declaration was interrupted by an unexpected jolt of pain, her exclamation turning into a yelp as Y/N's foot made contact with hers.

"It's always how it goes, doesn't it?" Seraphina's voice carried a touch of wistfulness as she broke the silence, her fingers tracing the words on the pages of a well-worn romance novel. A small sigh escaped her lips as she continued, her gaze distant yet reflective. 

"They start off as enemies, then as reluctant friends, slowly inching their way toward becoming best friends. And then, just when you think you've got it all figured out... boom! Lov—." Her voice trailed off, as if the mere recollection of countless fictional love stories left an indelible impression on her thoughts.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя