Mithra: We will meet them together Goutham and not so soon please. Give me sometime and I will tell you when we should meet them. Now lets leave its getting late already.

Goutham nodded and picked the keys. He stopped Mithra by the door and they kissed once again before leaving.


Pranav stepped out of his car with his father next to him. He walked inside the office and felt everyone's eyes on him. Ignoring the scrutinizing gaze he entered the elevator and reached his floor. a beautiful girl dressed in her business skirt and shirt stood with flowers in her hand smiling at him.

Vasudevan: Pranav, she is Thara your PA. she had been trained already so you may not worry about.

Pranav: What happened to my existing PA dad ?

Vasudevan: He will be there only if needed. She is a smart girl and will take care of your works.

Pranav gave a nod and entered his room and swiveled the comfy seat before he sat in it. He looked around the room and saw a portrait of him without crutches.

Pranav: Thara remove that picture immediately. I want to live in reality and that is far from it. 

Thara: I m sorry sir but it may not be the reality today but you can see as your future. If you don't trust of a better tomorrow then there is no meaning in striving hard today.

Vasudevan smiled at her and patted Pranav's shoulder before he left the room. Pranav stood from his seat and walked towards the portrait. He smirked at Thara and the next moment he threw the portrait against the wall breaking into pieces.

Pranav: My confidence doesn't fit into a frame to control me so next time have a control on your sassy mouth and just do what you have asked to. There won't be a second warning.

Thara nodded her head and called the house keeping to clean the mess before she left the room. Pranav called his old PA Karan to his room and stood by the window waiting for him. As soon he entered Pranav sat in his seat.

Pranav: Did you find his details and don't run the same like my father did that his father is also a businessman.

Karan: No sir, I was able to find that he joined engineering college in coimbatore but no details during those 4 years of his college life later he left to London and did his studies in business management. He also has his own company in London and Greece which he merged with his company now. Seems like MiGo was his company and his father has took care of him until he returned from London.

Pranav: Personal details ?

Karan: Never seen with a girl so far. Teatotaller and recently he moved out of his parents home to his penthouse. A girl Raghini was seen thrown out of his office, she is his cousin and she claimed to be his fiance.

Pranav: why would he throw her if she is his fiance ?  

Karan: She is his mother's choice to marry him but he is least interested. She is greedy bitch waiting for her chance to marry him for all his wealth.

Pranav: Arrange someone to follow her and she may be useful to us in future. Now coming back to Goutham, what happened to the fire at his site ? 

Karan: He got it under control and sacked the employee who caused the accident. 

Pranav: We need someone from his close circle to work for us.

Karan: He has his close friend Chandru but he is completely out of his business and his PA Rehman a hard guy. It will be waste of time to go behind him, he is so loyal to Goutham like I am to you. 

Pranav: How about hacking their systems ?

Karan: Again he got his team from London to take care of the security of his complete system. Still we can only try on that.

Pranav: Are you working for me or praising him for being perfect in handling everything ?

Karan: sir, I m just stating what I got to know about him. Unless I know your plans for him I will not be able to help you so please tell me what do you want to do with him ?

Pranav: First thing find the missing four years of his college life and we need to find the Team leads who will work on the government project. We need the project and for that Goutham should not be able to do it.

Karan: I will get those details once they start with the project. Anything else sir ?

Pranav: did you get the photos and coverage of the college get together ?

Karan placed a pendrive before him and Pranav dismissed him immediately and plugged the pendrive to his laptop to check for Mithra's picture in it. He spent half a day but couldn't find Mithra from the complete video coverage and photos. He pushed the things from his desk screaming in anger.

Pranav: Who are you and where are you ? Wherever you are I will find you and make you pay for every misery I went through. I will make you and that bastard regret every second of your lives for making my life hell and walk with this crutch. I will avenge for all those days I lost lying in the bed in COMA and my father's tears.


Goutham reached office and Mithra got down and drove her scooty to her home with Goutham following her until she reached her home. He returned to his penthouse and threw the key on the couch. He reached his room and entering the closet he tossed his T shirt and was about to enter the washroom but stopped and returned his gaze to his wardrobe door which had a sticky note. 

Goutham took the note which read " Please don't be mad if you don't find your black hoodie". He smiled and opened his wardrobe and found that his black hoodie was missing. He rubbed his nape and quickly sent a message to her - " Hope only my hoodie went missing and am I lucky enough to see you in it if I succeed to reach you tonight ?"



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