Carrier Strike Group

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Off coast Hawaii,United States,8 minutes before Ander wake

Admiral Houston standing inside his ship's island,looking onto the deck full of aircrafts,USS Carl Vinson-an Nimitz-class aircraft carrier-was deployed to the South China Sea,it had just taken supplies from Pearl Harbor.

"Carl Vinson reporting,we are currently beginning to reposition our fleet on course"-the radio operator talk

"Is everything ready?"-the admiral asked-"All shipsin formation"

"Everything is ready,we are ready to go-"

A small blip appeared on the radar display,catching the attention of all people standing there,the blip was moving not too fast,but still fast as an aircraft.What is worrying is that this thing is only 50 km from the fleet's furthermost destroyer-the USS Michael Murphy-the aircraft flies under their eyes for too long,it must be a stealth aircraft,a fighter jet.

"Sir?Permission to warn?"-one man asked,taking everyone out of their thought

"Of course,send the radio signal to the aircraft,connect the radio to the other ships and inform the others to not shoot first at all cost"-Houston granted him his permission,their quickly get back to work,but there is more to concern:few more blips appear one after another,raise the number of aircraft to 12-now it's a full squadron of stealth fighter jets operating on the ocean,that only American are capable of,making him question their identifies.Finally,the radio are connected,now their can speak,the admiral opened the conversation:

"This is USS Carl Vinson of the United States Navy,for safety reasons we encourage you and your squadron to retreat,we don't want to consider you as hostiles"

"Woo,we have the same language.Ahem,this is Arrow 1 of the Archer Squadron"-the opposite side replied-"We are a squadron from the Osean Carrier Strike Force far as I concert,we're having no hostilities to your fleet,we're just lost"

"Huh,Kestrel what?"

"OFS Kestrel II,Carrier Strike Force 2 of the Osean Federation"

Everyone stunned,a lot of questions was raised:What is OFS Kestrel II?why they name a ship after a bird?And how they have an aircraft carrier here in the first place?Houston tried to talk again:

"Uh...where is your fleet and your nation?And what do you mean by OFS?"

"Osean Federation Ship,which belong to my country Osea.Just go straight and you will hit our mainland,go at least 50 degrees North,that is where our fleet is,their will continue to lead your fleet."

"What,there is no land other than Hawaii-"

On the radar,a vast area of land appeared from few hundred kilometers away from ahead of Michael Murphy,confirming the airman's words,the destroyer had begun to turn a few minutes ago,but they haven't noticed yet due to the conversation:

"God,full right turn"

Houston ordered his ship and other to turn 30 degrees fast,then 20 more degrees to avoid collision,the hard turn pushed him and the standing crew down,luckily,no one was injured.But more importantly

"What?That territory wasn't supposed to be there.Wait!Can I have proof of your country?"-the admiral requested one more thing before temporarilyturning off the radio.

"Sure.Copy that."

The squadron flew right on the lead destroyer,without releasing a single shot.A few seconds later,the radio signal from the Michael Murphy was on,a panic voice can be heard across the control tower,it was the voice of the captain of the destroyer:

"Admiral Houston!Their aircraft look like the F-22,my eyes don't lie to me!They have just flown on our ship!That can't be wrong!I'm sure that we haven't exported F-22 to anyone yet,how can they have them?Sir?!"

"Okay,just wait for us and regroup"

Houston,who has just experienced the most strange thing that ever occurred on this planet,turns off the radio,then he walks away in silence,leaving his man behind.But when he's about to leave the room,the admiral turns back and runs to the radio again.

"HQ,this is the First Carrier Strike Group Admiral Jimmy Houston,I would like to change our current plan,oh and we have to contact the president."

"HQ called CSG 1,what's the problem?"

"It's a long story,I will tell you later"

From afar,a few ships began to appear over the horizon,at the center of the fleet,the aircraft carrier with the name of Kestrel II waving its flag of seven stars to welcome the US fleet.

Osea in our worldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora