"Hmmm..." she gave me a side eye while nodding suspiciously at me. "I don't go by that name anymore kid so it's better that you don't call me that."

"Understood." I nod rapidly at that, she was beginning to sound scary so yeah, don't mention her alias ever again.

"Now you look new here and you're quite young, so be sure to eat your fill, young ones like you should have plenty of food." She beamed me a smile and walked away.

"But I haven't ordered anything yet..." I tried to call her but she already went inside the kitchen. Then it suddenly clicked, what happened to Bell when he first entered this pub. "She's not gonna do that, is she?" I asked myself and the answer showed itself to me.

There she is, the gigantic woman, carrying a huge amount of food that no single person should be able to finish all on their own.

She walked closer to me and placed a huge plate of a whole catfish the size of my body in front of me, the plate landed on the table with a thud. "Oh don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from."

"..." I couldn't make a peep, this was too overwhelming. Only the stretchable pirate and the aliens from the vegetables planet can finish this amount of food... And there's more? There's fucking more?

"First time?" I hear someone besides me. I looked at the voice and saw a boy roughly the same age as mine, I couldn't recognize him from the anime so he shouldn't be anyone important. Maybe a random mob. "Oh how rude of me, the name's August by the way." he extended his hand for me to shake.

"Arthur. And yeah, I mean how can you finish all of this in one sitting." I answered him and extended my hand to shake his. The moment our hands touched I felt chills run down my spine.

Everything around me turned dark, it feels like I'm floating in space, everywhere I look there is only darkness.

My mind went numb as fear slowly gripped my heart, in all my life this was the first time I ever felt like this. Even in my past life where I was stabbed to death I didn't feel fear when it happened.

But this, this is different. Then I heard chains rattling behind me. I slowly looked back and saw a pair of gigantic golden orange eyes locking at me in this dark world that I was in. It looked feral, like that of a wolf.

"Interesting..." I heard it speak, its voice booming inside me, it felt everywhere yet nowhere. It was dark and deep. "A soul not of this realm."

It knows, fuck it knows. I tried to speak, to shout at it, to ask questions, but no sound came out of my mouth.

The eyes looked for a moment more and slowly started to close, with all my strengths I tried to make a sound, to call to it, tell it to wait, to answer my question, but to no avail. My body suddenly started to fall and then I hear the bustling crowd once again.

"--Thur? Arthur?" I snapped out of my trance as I heard someone calling my name. It was August, my hand was still shaking his, and I could feel the sweat pile up into my forehead. "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm fine." I answered him quickly pulling my hand out. "its just too noisy here and I'm not really good with crowds." I lied, from the looks of it he didn't see that, it seems only I experienced what happened.

"It's not usually this crowded here." he scratched his head while he answered. "Well do enjoy your food. And you'll get used to Mia someday..." he started getting up from his seat as he received a take out of his order. As soon as he stood up all the patrons screamed his name.




He turned and waved at the crowd and smiled cheerfully as he made his way out of the pub.

My eyes glued at his every movement, it was polished and well trained, try as I did I couldn't find any opening from him. My mind was racing, who is that guy? What was that vision? Why did I have that vision? My mind was full of these questions that lacked answers.

He was famous, too famous for someone not in the anime. And if he's dead before the show starts there should be a mention of his name, flashback, or something.

"That's August Kaiser for you." I heard some adventurers talk about him.

"Yeah, I heard he beat Goliath again, this time he even crushed the monster core with his attack." I listened carefully, trying to find out more about this August Kaiser.

I was able to find rumours about the guy from the adventurers. How he killed a monster rex on his first dungeon dive, how he fought Bete a level 6 and one level above him to a tie which shocked me because from what I knew Bete was supposed to be level 5, it was also shocking to hear that he was able to keep up with him despite the level disadvantage. And my more.

All this knowledge got me thinking.

Where the hell am I? Because I'm sure as fuck this isn't the Danmachi I knew.

All I know is that I have to see what this August Kaiser can do and the tournament would be a perfect venue to do so.



Chapter 44 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя