|| 30. Softer (UN-EDITED)

Start from the beginning

Y/N's eyebrows knitted together as she absorbed the information, her mind racing to make sense of the connections that had been revealed. The car continued its journey, carrying both mother and daughter on a road that intertwined past, present, and the legacy of their lineage.


The bustling atmosphere of the Hogwarts Express seemed to momentarily fade into the background as Amaryllis's voice carried a mother's concern. 

"Please promise me you'll stay safe," she implored, her words etching a gentle seriousness into the air. Y/N met her mother's eyes with an assured nod, the weight of responsibility mingling with youthful determination. 

"I'll take all the precautions, Mom," Y/N affirmed, their connection radiating a sense of mutual understanding. Amaryllis's nod held both approval and a touch of maternal pride, her lips curving into a tender smile.

As the anticipation of the train's imminent departure hung in the air, Amaryllis leaned in, her actions bridging the gap between parent and child. A soft kiss was planted on Y/N's forehead, a gesture that spoke volumes of love and protection. The simple act was a testament to the bond they shared, a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

The urgency of the impending departure prompted Amaryllis's practical side to surface. "Alright, time's ticking," she announced, a note of playful impatience lacing her words. "The train won't wait forever."

Y/N's agreement was swift, a nod accompanied by a small smile. The emotions in the moment were palpable. With a small but heartfelt embrace, Y/N enveloped Amaryllis in a brief hug, a silent expression of the love and comfort they found in each other.

A final exchange of words whispered through the air as Y/N began to step away. "Love you, Mom," Y/N murmured, the sentiment imbued with warmth and a sense of belonging. Amaryllis's laughter, a sound that echoed with affection, danced in response as her hand rested gently on Y/N's shoulder.

With a mix of determination and a lingering glance, Y/N started to make her way towards the train. The station's bustling energy seemed to envelop them, carrying a sense of adventure and enjoyment.


Taking a leisurely seat within the confines of an unoccupied compartment, Y/N eased into the chair, her posture a casual slouch that exuded a sense of nonchalant comfort. A gentle sigh of weariness escaped her lips, a small utterance of her internal state before her gaze suddenly shifted, drawn to the appearance of a young boy who seemed to be around her age. 

With a head of tousled brunette hair and a pair of fluffy and exfoliated eyebrows that resembled the color of rich whisky, he presented an intriguing sight.

"Hey, can I sit here?" The boy's query broke the initial silence, prompting Y/N to offer a nod in response, her demeanor shifting as she straightened herself, adopting a more attentive posture.

He eased into the seat across from her, an air of nervous energy making itself known through the subtle tapping of his foot upon the compartment's floor. As he maneuvered to close the compartment door, his actions seemed to lack a certain finesse, an observation that drew a fleeting reaction from Y/N – her lips parting slightly in an unspoken reaction to his endearing clumsiness. A momentary pause settled between them, a pause laden with unspoken curiosity.

"So, uh..." His voice broke the silence, the words spilling forth in a murmur that carried a hint of uncertainty. "You're Y/N, right?Y /N Crimson?" The question hung in the air, met by a confirming nod from Y/N. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips, accompanied by a murmured affirmation. 

"Cool..." he trailed off softly, allowing the words to linger in the air for a moment. "I'm Dan, by the way, Dan Wintersworth."

Y/N's inquisitive tone carried a hint of playful curiosity as she ventured, "Is that short for Daniel, or..." Her words trailed off, inviting Dan to fill in the blank.

Dan's head shook gently, his response prompt and laced with a touch of self-assuredness. "Nope, uh... just Dan!" The simplicity of his answer was met by a nod of acknowledgment from Y/N, who then turned her gaze out the window. 

The scenery outside held a mesmerizing quality, a silent backdrop to their budding interaction. Breaking through the ambiance, Dan's attempt at initiating casual conversation took a more uncertain turn. 

"So, uh— nice weather, yeah?" he posed, a subtle attempt at finding common ground.

However, Y/N's expression remained inscrutable, her disposition toward small talk far from enthusiastic. Nonetheless, she mustered a brief nod, allowing the acknowledgment to stand in lieu of a more verbose response.

"By any chance, are you American?" Y/N asked, the inquiry was delivered with an air of candid curiosity, catching Dan slightly off guard. A sheepish grin danced across Dan's features, a mixture of surprise and amusement evident in his response. 

"Oh, was it that obvious?" he groaned in mock exasperation, a self-deprecating chuckle escaping him. Y/N's own laughter blended with his, a shared moment of light-heartedness.

Y/N's straightforward response held an undercurrent of amusement as she articulated, "Well, yeah? Kind of? It sounds like you're trying really hard to sound British, almost constipated." 

Her words were delivered in a matter-of-fact tone, accompanied by a subtle tilt of her head that indicated her bemusement. The effect of her words was palpable, causing Dan's cheeks to flush with an embarrassed hue.

"Oh, no. I'm actually born and raised in the UK," Dan quickly clarified, his voice carrying a touch of urgency as he sought to dispel any misconception. His head shook emphatically, a visual reaffirmation of his words. 

"I just, uh... heard you were American, so I thought that if I sounded American, you'd like... uh, not beat me up?" The explanation flowed from his lips in an endearingly rambling manner, his nervousness evident in his gestures.

The notion of being beaten up elicited a bemused reaction from Y/N, her eyebrows knitting together in a display of mild confusion. "Beat you up?" She echoed his words, her tone a mixture of incredulity and curiosity.

Dan's nod confirmed his earlier statement, though his next words ventured into more intriguing territory. "You kind of have the title of being the scary first-year," he admitted with a wry smile, his gaze holding a mix of both jest and genuine awe. 

"You're rumored to like... curse people with your red eyes." A chuckle escaped him, a gentle punctuation to his revelation. "Blimey, even the 8th years are scared of you!" His exclamation painted a vivid picture of Y/N's reputation within the school.

Y/N's own lips parted in a mixture of surprise and amusement, the very idea of such rumors prompting her to react with a soft chuckle. "Well, I was a bit of a prick at the start of term," she confessed in a quiet murmur, her gaze momentarily drifting to the side as if reflecting on her past actions.

In a rather unexpected turn of events, Y/N quickly sat up straight from her seat, an air of confusion settling around her. It was a departure from her typical responses, which often involved ignoring or delivering sarcastic remarks. This time, however, she found herself engaged in genuine conversation. Her eyebrows remained furrowed as she navigated this unfamiliar territory.


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