Chapter 3 - Obsidian Chamber

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I cried. With my black eye and numerous other bruises throbbing, I ran away from the school lawn, Brian's sickening laughter ringing in my ears. I was dripping with bright green, weird-smelling, and very sticky slime. I ran straight into the desert that boarded the school grounds. I needed some privacy, so I dashed behind a dune and pulled my shovel out of my slimy backpack. I know it sounds weird to have a shovel in your backpack, but Construction was my last class, shovels, pickaxes, axes, and a variety of other blocks were mandatory equipment.

I dug down until I reached the small tunnel that I had made a few months ago. I had lined it with sandstone so that it wouldn't collapse. I filled the entrance behind me with sand, ad checked to make sure all the torches were still lit. I didn't want any mobs running around my hideout. It was a small room with a little underground stream trickling into it. Tiny, but cozy in its own way. I made a tub out of sandstone then scooped water from the stream and filled it. I eased myself into it, clothes and all. The water was ridiculously cold, and I nearly jumped back out. I eventually got used to the temperature and settled in. It would take a while to scrub the gooey slime off, but I had plenty of time. No one would care where I was until rothe le call the next morning, and maybe they still wouldn't care after that. They might even be glad if I didn't show up.

About two hours later I managed to rid myself of the slime and drained the tub. Where in the world did they get so many slimeballs anyways? I sighed and pulled out my pickaxe. Not only had they slimed me, but they also took most of my construction blocks. Now I had to get more myself, which was actually the reason I had built my little cave. It wasn't the first time I had been ransacked. It was much worse this time though because each student was given eight obsidian blocks in class today! I didn't even have a diamond pickaxe, just an iron one! How would I replace them? I huffed in frustration and sat down by the stream, trying to produce an idea. Nothing. I might as well start mining the fifty cobblestone blocks I needed. Maybe I'll think of something later. At least the swelling had gone down on my eye so I could actually see.

I had been mining for an hour and was sweating like crazy. I had the cobblestone I needed, but I continued going deeper anyway, hoping to find obsidian. I didn't know what I'd do once I found it, but it seemed the only reasonable course of action. I stopped for a moment and proudly eyed my torchlit, two-by-two diagonal tunnel leading upward with the occasional holes in the sides where I had found an ore vein of some sort, but no diamond as I had hoped. I had beat my own record for deepest mine by quite a lot. Jessica would absolutely die in here; she was one of the worst claustrophobics I had ever seen. She seriously freaked out just looking at the two-by-two custodians' closet.

I was pretty beat, but I needed obsidian for tomorrow's test. I wearily lifted the pickaxe over my head and clanged it into the stone block in front of me. After several hits, it finally broke and my heart leaped when I saw behind it. Obsidian! I pulled another torch out of my sack and placed it on the block just to be sure. It was really obsidian! I began mining away the stone blocks around me with renewed vigor and found that the obsidian continued in both directions. That was weird. Obsidian is the result of water hitting a source of lava. How could all this have happened naturally? I continued mining to my left and found that it still continued. Had I found some cool underground desert temple? Maybe there was treasure inside! My mind was instantly filled with all the stories of ancient temples I had read about. At least the orphanage had a good library, I went there often at recess when the other kids were outside. I pulled out another torch and closely studied the wall to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I nearly yelped at what I saw.

It was a door. Wow, that sounds heroic. Here I am, the brave grey-skinned girl spooked by a door. Hooray. But this door was different, it was made out of obsidian. Obsidian? Was that even possible? I searched both sides and found a lever, also made out of obsidian. This was getting weirder and weirder. I timidly began to apply pressure to the lever. But what if it's a trap? Or what if the room is full of mobs? I was just about to leave and act like this never happened when the lever suddenly snapped downward with a resounding clank. The door immediately swung open with a loud bang to reveal...nothing. It was completely dark. I wanted to run, but my curiosity overpowered my fear. I had read so many books about daring adventures that my heart was pounding with excitement. I slowly crept forward with a torch outstretched. I heard a hissing noise, and my blood froze.

Creeper! I was petrified, and my mind was screaming at me, telling me to run, but couldn't move. Fear had petrified my body. I waited for the green body to come flashing out of the darkness, but nothing happened. No other sound came. My heart was pumping a million beats per second and my breathing came in short gasps. Maybe it was my imagination? I carefully began to inch forward again. There, I was through the doorway. I shuffled to the right and placed a torch on the wall. Then to the other side and did the same. I repeated this process until the gigantic square room was lined with torches, but the center was still plunged into darkness. Everything was made of obsidian, the walls, the floors, and even the high ceiling.

I heard moaning coming from the center. Again, I froze. Zombie! But no undead figure came lurching out of the darkness. Drip! I screamed, not because it was a scary noise, but because I was shaky as a spooked horse. I was hyperventilating so much that I thought I would pass out, and I nearly did when a voice spoke out of the darkness. 

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