Chapter 1 - Darkness

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I opened my eyes and saw darkness. As usual. Icy cold, thick as slime, stale as mold, darkness. Why did I expect anything else? For years and years and years and years nothing changed, though I suppose I deserved far worse than this. At first, I remember waking up and wondering where I was, for in my dreams I was free. The reality hit me hard at least a thousand times before I eventually stopped dreaming of daylight, which was worse. All I had now were nightmares of the endless blackness in which I was trapped. I rolled my shoulders, invoking terrible pain as they popped loudly. The rattling of my chains echoed through the cavernous space around me. I groaned, all memories of me being able to move freely seemed distant, as though they were never real, to begin with. In fact, all memories of me being anywhere but here seemed dream-like and very far away.

I shut my eyes – not that it made any difference – and tried to remember what the Overworld was like. The image finally appeared, and I carefully expanded it, adding as much detail as possible. It was a picture of brown dirt blocks topped with lush, bright green grass stacked together to form a beautiful meadow. I filled it with bright, fragrant flowers from bursting pink to lavender purple to sunset orange. Majestic, towering brown oaks with foliage as green as the grass, and pale, stripey birches topped with olive-green leaves swayed gently in the light summer breeze. The rustling leaves whistled faintly with a strange, yet lovely tune of their own. The brilliant sun shone down from the bright blue sky of the Overworld as it climbed to its peak. The puffy white clouds slugged their way towards the west on a light breeze that cooled the air down just enough for the midday heat to be enjoyable. A blue, crystal-clear creek ran in a zig-zagging line right between the forest and the meadow. Bright red salmon darted back and forth, in and out of the seaweed that clung to the sandy bottom. A brown and white splotched cow mooed and bent down for a refreshing, cool drink. Fluffy, docile sheep munched on the grass, giving an occasional bleat as they ambled about with not a care in the world.

Sometimes I wished I was a sheep, or a pig, or even a chicken.

Every time I became conscience I thought of a different place. I needed to keep reminding myself of what it was like up there. I couldn't let myself lose what little memory I had. I relived every moment of my life over and over again. It would be so very easy to forget in this hopelessly depressing darkness.

I sighed, I once would have looked upon the peaceful scenes I imagined and felt nothing but the urge to blow them up. That was the only plus of being trapped in enchanted chains in a pitch-black cavern with no one to talk to for who knows how many years. The enchanted chains blocked my powers, as well as the Glitch that was attached to them. For once, I could think freely. Oh, but I deserve no mercy! The only memories that would never leave me, but were only magnified by the darkness, vividly burst into my mind. The screaming, the wailing, and the sobbing of countless souls rang in my ears as the images of the innocent people who had fallen victim to my evil desires dragged themselves into my thoughts. No. I didn't deserve to breathe.

The darkness was oppressively silent and deafeningly loud all at the same time. If I could only obtain one of my powers back, it would be to make my all-white eyes glow again. I wished to see the cold, grey stone cave that surrounded me. I wanted to know where that annoying dripping was coming from. Even the chafing, unbearably heavy chains would be a welcome sight. Something would be better than nothing. I sighed and closed my eyes. There was no point in staying awake, so I might as well sleep away the time like I have been doing for so many years.

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