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Dream never realized how much they touched each other until he thought back on the questions of the quiz. He wanted to keep reminding himself it was just a random quiz he took, but these questions were all playing in his mind like a loop. He couldn't think properly when George kept resting his hands on his shoulder or when he would gently move him out the way by his waist. He wanted to call George out for it but he couldn't because he always did the exact same things and it'll only make George notice his awkwardness.

He felt ridiculous from getting this worked up over a quiz, but he felt like a lot of the questions weren't answered truthfully, which is why he was thinking about them so much.

The main one he was thinking about was 'Do you find a reason to touch them?' and for the most part it felt like he did, he always had his hand on George's waist or shoulder, it was like Dream's hand had a magnetic pull to George's waist. Although, he was mainly focused on how much George was touching him.

All this thinking was stressing him out, but nonetheless he continued making himself some avocado on toast for lunch. He was doing alright until George came up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder as he jumped up to see what he was doing.

"What's that?" George pointed to the cut up avocado as Dream tried his hardest to act normal. He couldn't act normal, not like this. He never cared about a simple hand on his shoulder before now he was tensing up over it.

"It's avocado, do you want some?" Dream asked, pointing to the other avocado. George shook his head and looked in the cupboards for something else to have, still keeping his hand on his shoulder. Dream awkwardly took a step away to pretend he went to drink his glass of water.

"Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." George leaned forward to see Dream's face, thankfully Dream managed to just act normal while ignoring the butterflies. He never used to get butterflies around George, at least, he never noticed them nor did he tense up when getting them. He was starting to wonder if these questions were just making him think he had these feeling, 

"I'm alright," He said as he grabbed the plate that had his toast on. "I've just been feeling a little off recently." George hummed and continued to look at Dream's facial expression. George had this thing where he just knew if Dream was lying about being okay.

"You're lying," George said, just as Dream expected. Despite Dream knowing George would say that, he didn't have an excuse prepared and that left him in an awkward situation. He could either come clean and confess all of his thoughts about the quiz, or he could sit in silence until the topic changed. "Are you gonna say something?" Clearly, he didn't have much of a choice now so he had to say something to make George less suspicious.

"I don't really know what to tell you," He was going to say he felt unwell, but that would make George stick around more as he'd wanna make sure he get's better. So, Dream was left with one final choice. "I don't really wanna talk about it right now."

"Will you be alright?" Dream didn't know if it was right to feel butterflies at this moment, but something about the way George genuinely showed his concerns for his happiness made Dream's heart skip a few beats. George was always silly around Dream, never really took anything seriously, but moments like this just made Dream's soft spot for George even bigger.

"I'll be fine, I'll sort it out eventually." By sort it out, he intended on trying to avoid physical contact with George as much as possible. He presumed it would be fairly easy, as all he had to do was stay in his office and claim to be editing because no one bothered him when he was editing. He made his way to his office with his toast, still feeling the warmth of George's hand on his shoulder.

It was a weird feeling. They always touched each other, whether it was a tap on the shoulder or Dream holding onto George's waist for whatever excuse he could make up at the time, it was like their hands were magnetized to each other's bodies, and that wasn't necessarily something he wanted to have when he got thrown off guard whenever George did the simplest tap on the arm.

He sat down on his gaming chair and swayed side to side, running his hands through his hair before putting his headset on. He didn't have any plans to edit, he was going to sit there and pretend to edit, so if anyone came in he wouldn't be disturbed while thinking. 

The thought of asking George what his opinions were on the quiz popped into his mind a fair few times, but he shut it off as he knew that'll just bring more attention to the stream. He regretted letting his fans choose what he'd do for the stream, but then again he wasn't forced to, he willingly took it and he had no one else to blame, especially as he was the one answering the questions. 

Speaking of willingly taking the quiz, he felt compelled to go back to it. He wanted to answer the questions now that these feelings were more prominent to himself so he wanted to retake it as the answers would now be different.

Yet, the other side of him wanted to forget about it all and move on. He was sort of okay with ignoring certain feelings, but they'd always come back sooner or later and he'd have to face them at some point or at least acknowledge them.

The main thing that he was focused on was his touch. He never remembered George's touch making him feel that way, but now it's all he could think about. His current plan was to hide in his office for a while, only leave when he needed to for a short time. Dream knew it was an unhealthy thing to do but he managed his feelings better when he was alone. 

When he was alone he had no choice but to face his feelings, and that was exactly what he was going to do when he was alone.

1090 words

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