The quiz

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"Am I in love with my best friend quiz? C'mon, don't be ridiculous guys, choose something better." Dream scoffed, sliding up and down random buttons on his soundboard, despite it not working. George glared at Dream with a slight smirk on his face, seeing Dream shake his head in disapproval.

"Just take it, it's not like you're actually in love with me." George laughed, fiddling with the drawstrings on his hoodie as he spun around on the office chair next to Dream, who was debating about taking the quiz or not. He didn't necessarily want to do something like this on stream, thousands of clips would go around, and worst of all Sapnap and George would tease him for whatever answer he got.

"Yeah, but it's awkward because you're next to me." Dream tugged at the collar of his hoodie and looked at George, who didn't seem bothered about awkwardness. They looked at each other for a moment, eye contact so strong, it felt unbreakable. Despite it feeling unbreakable, he had to break it as he was about to take a quiz to see if he was in love with him.

"Okay, I'll just leave then." George looked at the camera as if he was hinting to them, before standing up to leave. Dream turned to protest, but the camera was on and could see them, so he just watched as George walked out of the room. There was a moment of silence until he heard the Discord ringtone come from his PC. He answered it and looked at his 2nd monitor, hoping the chat had miraculously forgotten about the quiz. Unfortunately for Dream, they hadn't forgotten they were still spamming it.

"Well, I left the room so you can take it now." George practically taunted, only repeating what the chat was pleading for. Dream swallowed thickly and slowly nodded clicking on the first link he saw when he typed 'Am I in love with my best friend quiz', not something he would even think of typing in on stream with a face cam on.

"Can I turn my camera off?" He asked hovering his hand over the off button. Dream wasn't that nervous per day, it was just that George could see his face and reactions to the questions. He knew what these questions were like, sure he had forgotten what most were like but he hadn't forgotten about a few of them.

"No, what? That defeats the point of you taking it." George protested against the idea, he wanted to see Dream's reactions, and so did all the viewers. Dream rolled his eyes and analysed the website page, seeing a bunch of other quizzes coming up that were similar.

"How? I've done it like 2 times already." Dream really didn't want to use face cam, he was quite confident in showing his face as he had shown it regularly, but doing a quiz like this just made him nervous, and he wasn't nervous on camera usually so people would definitely assume things.

"Yeah, but you've face revealed so there's not a reason for you to not show your face and take it now." The brunette rambled on about a bunch of reasons why he should use face cam, taking some inspiration from the chat. Dream wasn't focused on the rant though, he was focused on the first question which was taunting him just as much as George was earlier.

Silence flooded the call when George realized he was reading. Dream looked over at the call and noticed George had his face cam on. He was sitting on his chair spinning side to side with a smirk stained on his face. Dream looked at him, and then. at the quiz before taking a deep breath in.

"Do you ever catch yourself staring at your bff?" He sighed, not knowing what to click. Dream only had to look at the chat for a split second to know it was going crazy. He was stuck, he had no idea what to click, and by this point, he had been panicking about it so much he didn't even read the responses.

"Okay, well, obviously because you're here now so like- yeah but these options are ridiculous... 'No', 'Once in a while', and 'All the time!', like that's hardly fair." Defending himself was the only logical thing he thought he could do at that moment. It made a laugh escape from George's mouth.

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