Cheater? (End)

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My husband makes me insatiable, I couldn't get enough of him and by the time we fell asleep it was already late afternoon, my mother sent me a text saying that Soobin wanted to spend the night and I was okay with that, more time with the man I love. I watch as he sleeps next to me, his beauty still takes my breath away and he looks so peaceful, the shit I have put him through lately has my guilt through the roof, but I am going to make it up to him. "Yeobo, wake up, let's go out tonight, dinner and dancing", I say in his ear. "Mmmmm that sounds like fun, we haven't been on a date in forever", he says stretching. 

He comes downstairs looking so good that I want to keep him here all to myself, "wow, I am the luckiest guy on earth." "I think your maybe a close second, because the way you look tonight I will be beating people off you with a stick", he says wrapping his arms around me. I took him to his favorite restaurant and watched him indulge in his dinner and dessert, watching him eat is such a treat, I've never seen anyone more adorable, "ready to hit the dance floor Yeobo." "I am excited, lets go", he says standing and pulling me along with him out the door.

At the club we have a drink at the bar and then head out to the dance floor, my Yeobo is so sexy when he dances, I have a massive hard on because he loves to rub his ass against me, "babe you need to stop or I am going to fuck you on the dance floor and I dont care who sees." He giggles and turns around, throwing his arms around my neck and slow dancing with me, he kisses me like no one else is around and I pull him closer, moaning into his mouth. 

"Lets get another drink", I say into his ear because the music is so loud. "I'm going to pee, I will meet you at the bar", he says kissing my nose. I watch him walk toward the bathroom and I walk toward the bar, ordering us two more drinks, I watch all the people dancing and having a good time, I also watch the bathroom, waiting Jin to come out. "Hi gorgeous, want some fun", a short little redhead asks me. "No thank you, I am waiting for my husband", I try to say politely. 

I look toward the bathroom again and still dont see Jin, "come on daddy, maybe your hubby would like take turns on me." This lady was disgusting, "excuse me." I push her out of the way and walk toward the bathroom, I walk in to find Jin trying to push someone off of him, I grab him and throw him off of Jin, then check on my husband. I turn around to see the guy is gone, "Seokjin who was that." "Kai", he says out of breath, "he is following us Jungkook, he is crazy." 


Jungkook drives to the police station and I am on the phone with Jimin, "are you okay baby, did he hurt you." "No not really, he grabbed me pretty hard but that was about it", I tell him. "Jinnie, give me the word and I'll make it all go away", Jimin says in his bad ass voice. I giggle, "I love when you get all protective and bad ass, its so sexy." Jungkook clears his throat and I rub my hand up his thigh feeling his erection getting bigger, I wink and he grabs my hand and holds it in his, I can't help but to laugh.

After leaving the police department, we head back home, they told us that we could file a restraining order and see if the judge will grant it, we walk into the house and before I even shut the door Jungkook is stripping me naked and pushing me against the door, he removes his clothes and lifts me in arms, pushing back into the door. He enters me in one quick push, I cry out wanting to cum on contact, his cock is hitting my prostate straight on and I am losing my mind. We both cum at the same time, "that's what happens when you tease me on the dance floor, I become a 2 pump chump, Yeobo." 

I laugh, "you are far from being that Jungkookie, this was so good, this is what we need, spontaneity in our marriage, I dont want you ever getting bored of me." "That will never happen Yeobo", he says wiping off my ass and thighs. We pick up our clothes and head upstairs to shower, while getting ready for bed my phone goes off, I blocked Kai's number so i dont think its him, but when I open the text its a video, I hit play and see Jungkook and I having sex in our bed. 

I am stunned at first because it looks like someone tried to photoshop someone's face over mine making it look like Jungkook is with someone else, but I know that's me, "Yeobo what are you watching." I hand him the phone and look around the room, "what the hell, Jin this isn't, wait, that's you, who sent you this, they did a horrible edit job." "It was Kai, I am wondering where he got the video from, was he in our house", I ask. "I will call the security company tomorrow and have the locks changed and a keypad put in, I will go check everything now, make sure it's secure. 

Two weeks later

Kai hasn't let up, we figured out that he hacked into our wi-fi and got access to the camera's on our computers, that's how he was getting videos, after we took the evidence to the police not only did the judge grant a restraining order, he also had Kai arrested. I walk into the bedroom and taken back by what I see, "JUNGKOOK." He walks in, "what's wrong." "I thought you said no more out of town work trips", I pout. He smiles, "its not, it's for us, we are going on vacation, SURPRISE." 

Two days later we are in beautiful Hawaii laying on the beach watching Soobin play in the sand, "upstairs, hanging in the closet of our room is a garment bag, I want you to shower, make yourself more beautiful if that is possible, put on what's in that garment bag and meet back down here." I look at Jungkook confused, "what are you up too." "It's another surprise, just go, you'll see yet another surprise when you get up there", he says kissing me.


Jin walks into the room and squeals when he sees me, he tackles me on the bed hugging me, "why are you here." I wink, "its a surprise." "Ugh, I am sick of that word", he says scrunching up his nose. I laugh at his cuteness, " I am going to run you a bubble bath, I want you to relax and enjoy, when you are done, I will help you get ready." He mock salutes me and turns to go into the bathroom, I start the bath and add a generous amount of his favorite bubbles, as he enjoys his bath I see his phone light up, thinking its Kook, I check it...

Unknown number - You thought you could run away from me, I am in your hotel and I will find you and take you away from him, you are mine Seokjin, you always have been, and always will be. Don't make me hurt our Soobin to get you to talk to me.

My blood boils, why is he out of jail, I dial a number, "tell me what you know." When I hang up, I am stunned, he was bailed out of jail and found out Jin was coming to Hawaii when he hacked his wi-fi, now he is here to take Jin away from Jungkook, over my dead body. I dial the number of someone who will help me, "hey, it's me, meet me in the lobby." I then grab Jin's phone and send a response to Kai, once it is sent I delete the two messages and place Jin's phone back on the nightstand.

Down in the lobby I see my friend and explain to him what is going on and ask if he will help me, he agrees and I tell him where to meet us. A few moments later my phone pings and it's Kai, I look around the lobby and see him looking around as well, "KAI." He waves and walks over, "hey I am Jin's friend, he is so happy you are here." "He is, I thought he would be upset", he says. "No, the videos you sent proving Jungkook was cheating made him see the truth and that he wants to be with you", I say feeling guilty when I see the smile on his face. 

"Come on, I am going to take you to him, are you ready to see him again", I ask him. "Yes, very much, I miss him greatly", Kai says happily. I walk thru the doors to the back of the hotel near the kitchen, there stands my friend and two of his very large acquaintances, "get rid of him boys." I walk back out the door and hear the beating taking place, when I make it back to Jin's room he is laying his tux out on the bed, his hair looks phenomenal and he is just glowing, "lets get you ready, Jungkook is waiting for you." 

Once he is dressed he turns to me, "what is he planning, why am I dressed like this." "Something wonderful, something you truly deserve, Seokjin, I dont want you to ever have to worry about anything ever again, you Jungkook and Soobin are safe, just know that", I say kissing his forehead. "I love you Chim", he says trying not to cry. "I love you too Jinnie, now let's go", I say leading him down to the beach where Jungkook, Soobin, Namjoon and Nari wait for Seokjin, when he sees the pastor he knows and starts to sob. 

I watch as they both say their vows to each other, both crying, both laughing and not being able to keep their hands off each other. I will always protect Jin, he doesn't know a lot about my background and who I really work for, but the less he knows the better. After the ceremony the kiss they share makes everyone there feel just how in love they truly are. 

The End.

I wasnt sure how to end it, but I think I like the bad ass Jimin, he wasn't big in the story but he showed up when he needed too. 😉 Thank you for reading!! Love you guys. 

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